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The flea market flipper challenge. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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September 8, 2018, 10:55 AM
It has been 25 years since the initial CHATTEL REPORT came out and over 20 since the THE SPRINT TO FREEDOM. In the latter report I gave you all the GROW AS YOU GO plan, a 12 week to turn a little bit of money into a steady stream of it.

Today, the good folks at www.fleamarketflipper.com have a challenge going.

How much can you turn an initial 25 dollar investment into in one year?

I'll bet this 25 grows, for them, to well over a 1000 bux, and maybe much much more.

As a side note, Tokens, and many Crypto currencies, have fluctuated greatly, some dropping most of their value...

But, all markets are subject to the whims of that market, EXCEPT,

stuff. Chattel. Whatever you call it.

eBay is still going strong. Thousands of buy/sell groups are available. The fleamarketflipper folks are just one of several selling how to info, and the one thing about stuff...

you can't run out and the market never corrects (if you stay with the mundane, ordinary). There is always demand.

So, how much could you turn 25 bux into in the next year? Could you double your money every week? How about just 50%, so 25 becomes 37, 37 becomes over 50, 50 to 75?

A bit slower than what you may like to do, but keep the math going...and in less than the 12 weeks in SPRINT TO FREEDOM, you have a $1,000.00 COMING in, which could put from 250 to 500 in your pocket with every flip.

See, I capped it, because people don't have the patience to keep going, or the drive or motivation...but once you get to a "paycheck" income level, where you are only spending one day of work time to make a full week's work of income, then things change around for you.

Go to fleamarketflipper and join in the challenge, see what your 25 dollars can do for you in one year.

I'm thinking of putting 25 bux into a new report, and see what it can do in the next year, making maybe, a once a month add-on.

Can IP do what chattel can do? Of course it can, I've proven that over the years, but it is still fun to find stuff and turn nothing into something. This week alone, I saw hundreds of dollars of chattel in the trash piles, where a few savvy people just drive around and pick it up...as you know,

one man's trash, is another's treasure.

Do you have a GROW AS YOU GO PLAN for your business? Whatever it is?


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