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What are the GJA-SQ1 Workshops? And how to use them. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : What are the GJA-SQ1 Workshops? And how to use them.

April 16, 2020, 11:34 AM
A few months back, I asked Dien to take down the Square One Workshops so I could work on them. They had been posted here for nearly 18 years, and many of you old timers took a gander. Some actually used them. A few benefited greatly.

Since then, we've almost doubled in daily readership, and with so many new people coming, it is a good time to tell you about my SQUARE ONE WORKSHOPS (now known as GJA-SQ1).

In their present form (as was posted here) they came to be in 1993, when a tumultuous time in my life upended everything. I took about 6 months to try to figure things out, and on the sands of Lake Worth FL, I met MANNY.

Manny yelled at me. Drew stick figures in the sand and in general kicked my **** back to reality. It was in the Spring of 1993, that the 12 Master Pictogrigms took shape and form.

Those of you that have taken my copywriting course have seen some of the supplemental PictoGrigms, including the PictoGrigm of Persuasion and the POA, the Pyramid Of Achievement (or Actions/Accomplishments).

There is one MASTER PictoGrigm, which explains it all.

Here is a link to the Master PG.


This may be all that one needs, but there are about 16 different PictoGrigms in the SQ1 as it has evolved over the years.

A PictoGrigm is a combo of Picture and Paradigm, a visual representation of an example or pattern.

The GJA SQ1 are TOOLS, tools which can help people to do assessments of their life, tools to set and achieve goals, tools to help out during hard times, which I think we all agree, we're in.

They BEGAN, one chilly day in 1968 when I dropped out of high school to join the Marines. Fortunate for me, the Marine recruiter was literally out to lunch. So the Navy guy got his hands on me and sent me home with the following assignment:

"When you watch the news tonight and they give the number of killed and then the wounded (this during the Vietnam War), ask yourself, How many of those wounded got their dicks shot off?"

That question changed the course of my history.

During the next four years in the NAVY, while holding tightly to my groin, I was in the Submarine Service, and did several patrols on a fleet ballistic missile nuclear submarine, where we were on the boat foR 90 days and then off for 90. So that is where the 90 days cycle got started, and I still teach that today in goal setting classes.

After the Navy, during about 20 years of social work, I encountered many IHP, IPP, IEP...these were INDIVIDUAL {habilitation, Personal, Educational, etc.} PROGRAMS. They all were set for one year, with 90 days checkpoints.

So this reinforced the 90 day cycle for me, and that is how I still operate and teach. I have not been convinced, yet, that one can achieve much of anything in less than 90 days, feel free to prove me wrong, OK?

The GJA-SQ1 tools are built from so many tools of social work, business goal setting, personal development and represent a lifetime of study and application of their principles. They are non religious and non area tools, they work anywhere in the world.

That cold January day in 1968 the Navy guy asked me:

WHAT DO YOU WANT from your military experience?

I was Clueless, albeit knew I didn't want my privates shot off, that was a for certain (I still had dreams of using them at some point).

And the GJA-SQ1 starts off with the same question.

What do YOU want?

It is OK if you don't know, that is what the tools are for, to help you find out.

Once you know what you want, then the tools help you to plan, help to plot out your action steps, help you to make adjustments as you go along and then help you AFTER you have achieved THAT goal.

The GJA-SQ1 MASTER PictoGrigm shows you were born and you are going to die. In between, after a certain age, you either have control of your life or you have WILLINGLY surrendered that control, most often for a paycheck.

I think that NOW, if you have uncertainty about your future, you might want to consider using the tools of the GJA-SQ1 to set new goals and get your act together before its too late.

If you have questions about the MASTER PICTOGRIGM I've linked to, feel free to ask them here.

Gordon Jay Alexander Creator of the GJA-SQUARE ONE WORKSHOPS.

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