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The Art of Doing Deals.... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
May 24, 2001, 12:50 PM
Lately, I've become very interested in the art of deal-making....

What I want to ask is, does anyone know any good resources to learn more about successful "deal-making" ?

I know this crops up in many different areas....

Chatteling could be see as a form of deal-making.... You are making a deal when you buy and also when you sell....

Similarly, dealing in property is related too.... Certainly various techniques, such as "nothing down" techniques, finding highly motivated sellers, and so on, is all part of deal-making....

And on a larger scale, there are the deal makers who deal with buying and selling companies....

I'm currently reading the book, "The 50 Best (and Worst) Business Deals of All Time," by Michael Craig. It's a fascinating book.... While most of the deals are about big business deals, there are a few other gems in there too, such as the Louisiana Purchase (of how the fledgling USA bought the Louisiana Territory from France, which later was divided into 13 states), or the purchase of Alaska from Russia, or Priscilla Presley's control of the Elvis Presley Estate....

Anyhow, beyond that, does anyone have any good suggestions for books on general aspects of "deal making" ? If you have anything to suggest, please let me know....

If you are interested in big business deals with a few other interesting gems thrown in, I do recommend "The 50 Best (and Worst) Business Deals" as a fascinating read.... :)

- Dien Rice

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