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I've got you under my skin. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Richard Dennis
August 18, 2000, 10:55 AM
IMHO, nobody EVER wrote better song lyrics than Cole Porter. “I’ve got you under my skin” was one of his best.

Gordon’s probably going to come back with, “No, no. It was Groucho Marx.”

Pay no attention. Let him rant.

To me, it’s the #1 objective of marketing … I want those guys out there I’m marketing to, to get ME under their skin.

Guess where I got THAT idea?

Some gurus tell you to change your promotional pieces to match your market. Consider who you’re selling to, their likes & dislikes, characteristics, etc., and tailor your presentation for each market.

Trust me … I ain’t that smart. Just the thought of all that thinking makes me want to lie down on the couch and yell for Cheryl to bring some lemonade.

In my opinion, you really want to just get under their skin.

For instance.

Gordon Alexander got under my skin years ago. He’d make these long posts on discussion boards (changed a lot, hasn’t he?) and often, he’d say a bunch of inane things that made me think, “Who IS this guy?” Half the time, I couldn’t comprehend or follow him.

But he was usually hilarious, which I loved. That always gets under my skin.

Even more important, when he’d relate his experiences or give suggestions or even when he’d ask a darned question, I’d always think, just by what he said, “Here’s a guy who’s BEEN there. He’s really DONE this. He has experience. He’s been in the trenches. THIS is a guy I can really learn from.”

And THAT is the type of marketer we should all aspire to be.

Gordon’s not the deep thinker who puts out designer messages depending on the demographics of each individual he wants to reach. (Gee. Sounds like a President we know, eh?)

He just tells you what he thinks, plain and simple. Well, sometimes not so simple. Actually, sometimes, not so plain either.

But you know what I mean.

If you’re new here, I’m warning you now, you better watch out. Because Gordon is going to get under YOUR skin. And there’s no telling what may happen to you after that.

Actually, what I like most about SOWpub is, a whole BUNCH of people here are getting under my skin. (I'm a dermatologist's dream.)

You get under my skin by telling me who you are and why you think the way you do and by revealing your experience and your expertise and by teaching me stuff I didn’t know.

I see more of that here than anyplace else on the internet.

It’s a reflection of the innkeeper - SURELY the organizational brains behind the operation - and the crazy man on the #1 barstool. (What do you get when you cross Tony Robbins with Cliff Klaven?)

We’re all fortunate the two of them got together.

It’s a site of ideas and support. Everybody’s welcome. But if you have an ax to grind, check it at the door.

THAT integrity is pretty unusual.

Thanks, Dien. Thanks, Gordon.


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