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Here's one thing about Gordon's Financial Pictogrigm that blew my mind :) [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Here's one thing about Gordon's Financial Pictogrigm that blew my mind :)

Dien Rice
August 21, 2000, 04:14 PM
You can view Gordon's Financial Pictogrigm at Gordon's post about this.....

Down the left of the pictogrigm (as Gordon said earlier), there's a list of ways of making money.... You'll see


When you look through that list, you'll see how diverse these ways of making money are!

It points out that there is NOT just ONE way of making money, but that there are MANY....

In the past, I had gotten stuck in thinking, "what's the ONE way to make money?"....

What the Financial Pictogrigm shows you is that there are in fact many different ways. You have a lot of choices.... Things like chattel, starting a business, writing an ebook (and other info-products), investing in real estate or stocks, and so on....

Call me a simpleton, but just that part of the Financial pictogrigm really blew me away.... :)

It got me out of the "only one true way to make money" mode of thinking I had become stuck in, which helped me to open my eyes....

Maybe you'll find it useful too.... :)

- Dien

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