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Re: The day I "bounced" a few ideas off Joe Karbo, and what he taught me about CHATTEL.... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Richard Vaughan
August 27, 2000, 06:19 PM

Thanks for the ‘JoeFile’ I agree with some of what you say, but thought I’d cover some of the easiness of success. See, I find that applying a formula like the three eves an easy system for working towards success and while I liked Joe’s book thoroughly, I think he made the three eve formula a little more complex than it needed to be.

I suppose he had to fill 140+ pages and outlining just the three eves, wouldn’t do it.

When I say easy and simple, I mean that formulas for success, marketing and life in general are often made complex by the authors of such because anything that is simple to understand and apply usually takes up a few pages.

So what we really end up with is books and seminars that take simple formulas and turn them into complete programs and detailed concepts. To make them saleable, there must be extreme detail.

If I wrote down the AIDA and Three Eve formula on 5 pages and tried to sell it for $49, it probably wouldn’t fly. Imagine getting up at a seminar where you charge $3000 and talking for 30 minutes then walking off stage. People expect things to be complex and difficult, after all, most people have made their lives that way, why should a formula that helps you find success be any different.

So I have to disagree with you and say again that I do believe that success formulas, whether they be for life or business are extremely simple and easy to apply and use. Generally, people expect something that works (especially a teaching of some sort) to be complex because their lives are.

It doesn’t have to be that way.


PS I used the MPM(AIDA) formula many times to find financial success, yes I’ve had some loser projects, but they were always because I ignored one or all parts of the MPM formula. Also, the Three Eves is a simple and easy formula to use when you’re goal setting. There really is nothing complex or difficult about these formulas. They work and compared to the structure of most peoples lives they are simple and easy to understand and apply.

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