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Looking for a business with a mentor [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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March 27, 2002, 05:43 PM
There are hundreds of opportunities to buy a business package for $49-$199 that will help you make money on the net if you know how to apply them. It is my understanding that any business has lots of details and its unlikely that one could read an E-book or buy into a system and have the ability to succeed with just that information.

It's about as a ridicules of a notion as saying:
" I've got an e-book on how to be a rock star with a step by step guide any one can do it. Included is a complete list of stadiums and record companies. Stop working for someone else and start being a rock star today"

I think that any business requires some talent, and most businesses have about 3-6 major factors that you must have talent in.

There is a lot you can pick up form a mentor, and if the mentor is willing to take a look at how your applying his ideas and give pointers this would be a major plus.

Mark Victor Hanson once wrote that every major successful person he knows had a mentor.

So I would be interested in purchasing into an online business if I could have a relationship with the creator that would allow me to call them every once in a while and ask for advice or opinions.

I'm not interested in MLM unless it can be shown a proven way to get additional members without contacting all your friends and family. Also I'm sure I do not have a personality that fits with MLM. I'm Just too honest if I see a guy who I did not think was going to succeed in the business I would not want to get him involved, and a successful MLM'er will sell his opportunity to anyone who comes along and push harder on people who are seeking hope, but are unlikely to succeed in the business.

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