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What would you do if... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : What would you do if...

Michael Ross
April 18, 2002, 09:12 AM
you were paid $x per week/month to do _________?

Say you were writing a book to be available via download. How would your priorities change if you were paid $X per week ($50, $100, $200, $500) to write the book, create a simple webpage for it and sell it using clickbank and/or PayPal?

In other words, if writing the book, creating a simple webpage and setting up a clickbank and PayPal account were part of your job - a job you have been hired to do - how would you approach it? Would you approach it differently if it wasn't your job and was just something you were doing on the side?

Would you watch the all-knowing-eye for hours on end? Would you hire a bunch of videos to watch? Would you spend the time looking busy without actually doing anything?

OR would you actually get the book written, create the webpage, and open the payment processing accounts?

Look at the projects you have in the works and ask yourself the question: If I was being paid $X to get this project completed, what would I DO? What would a boss expect me to do?

Another, similar question is: What would _______ do if they were in this situation? (fill in the blank yourself with someone who is successfully doing the thing you want to do)

Got $10,000 to invest in the stock market and don't know what to do? Ask, What would Warren Buffet do if he had $10,000 extra to invest?

Would he call a broker and ask for a buy recommendation? Would he watch the news to see what some media expert says to buy? Would he go buy what the newspaper journalist says is the best buy? Would he buy from a newspaper ad?

What would I do if I was being paid $x to do _____?


What would ______ do if they were in this situation?

Are two questions that can give you a great amount of insight into the ACTION you need to be taking to achieve the results you want.

Give them a try. Ask yourself these questions and you will be surprised at the results.

Michael Ross.

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