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Jesse Horowitz
April 18, 2002, 06:56 PM
Greetings Sowpubbers,

Undoubtedly, one of the favorite topics of this board is the concept of LEVERAGE. Which is one of the qualities that makes it such a high caliber board.

Attaining true leverage can single-handedly have more of a positive impact on your life, both professionally and personally, than just about anything else I can think of.

So here's a unique twist on the idea of Leverage, which will hopefully provide a breakthrough spark for someone.

Every now and then, someone will "hit a jackpot" and create tremendous leverage almost instantaneously. And that's wonderful.

But for the rest of us, true leverage does not happen overnight.

It requires persistence, passion, trial & error...and most of all, VISION.

You see, leverage is actually a perfect paradox in most cases.

Here's what I mean by this.

Those who embrace the fact that creating maximum leverage often starts with having NO leverage at all; are usually the ones who end up with the ultimate scenarios of leverage.

For instance, when creating a model for a business system (SYSTEMS are the key, not projects), I have less leverage in the early stages as a teenager flipping burgers.

I'm doing my research...evaluating potential markets...writing copy...creating back-end systems...forming strategic alliances...doing some small scale testing...etc.

And meanwhile, little, if any revenues at all are coming in. I'm working *more* hours than the burger flipper, but getting paid less! Doesn't seem fair, does it? "What's this leverage stuff? I'm a grossly underpaid professional!" I used to think to myself.

But then a beautiful thing happens.

Little by little, the tides start to turn.

Some data starts to emerge from my tests. I start to gain some intelligence on what's working and what's not. Maybe I even get a few orders.

I make some tweaks and forge ahead.

Now I might have pulled even with the burger flipper.

I still have a ways to go. But each step becomes easier than the last. And each subtle tweak creates a greater and greater increase in the results.

Slowly but surely, exponential growth begins to occur. To the point where 5 minute tweaks now may translate to hundreds or thousands of dollars of revenue.


Because the model is now in place.

Because the desire to create LEVERAGE was so strong, that I was willing to work for NO leverage at all in the beginning.

And the end result, if you hit upon a winner?

You'll be among the highest paid professionals in the world. Your SYSTEM that started with a vision and NON-leveraged work can now very feasibly generate more money in a DAY, withOUT your involvement, than the burger flipper can generate by working for an entire month -- all 160 hours worth.

You'll literally have instances where you take off for a trip, and upon your return, things are even BETTER than when you left them.


Because true leverage takes on a life of its own. It does not require your physical presence or participation.

I certainly have not yet reached the highest pinnacles of leverage. I've got a ways to go. But I'm pretty happy with where I'm at, and leverage is one of the greatest blessings in my life. I'm a "leverage junkie" and am always looking for ways to maximize my leverage from almost any endeavor.

I hope my musings were of value to some of you.

Remember the power of vision, and leverage onward!

All the best,


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