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Don Alm
November 11, 2002, 10:54 PM
The little town of Roseburg, Oregon (pop 20,000 in SW Oregon) had it's annual "Veteran's Day Parade" today at 11 am.

Along with 150 other Patriotic Floats, Bands, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Sheriffs Mounted Posse's, Search & Rescue Groups, Old Timer Vet Units (STILL marching as they did 60 yrs ago) and reps from our National Guard Group which is now in Egypt doing "Patrol Work"....along with other Clubs and Orgs that "MADE YOU FEEL DAMN PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN....TODAY"!

I especially liked the MC who, when he made a reference to anyone's float with the words, "UNDER GOD", a tumultous roar of applause went up from the crowd.

Yessir....standing on the sidewalk of this little town in America today, in the year 2002...I WAS DAMN PROUD OF MY COUNTRY AND ALL IT STILL STANDS FOR.

I saw children reciting OUR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE... and when it was time...YELLING OUT the words, "UNDER GOD"!

I saw old timer Vets standing on the sidewalk behind these kids, with their hats off and hands placed over their hearts, and tears in their eyes...following along with the kids.

I saw MANY references to OUR FLAG...and OUR GOD!


I saw Bank Presidents...Corporation Execs... business owners, professional people and lots of just "average" folk...with TEARS IN THEIR EYES TODAY...because they were PROUD TO BE AMERICANS!

And it made me PROUD as hell to watch!

And when the 2, F-15 Jets buzzed overhead with a REAL CLOSE FLYBY....with a 2 or 3 second delayed ROAR from their engines that almost blew us over...there wasn't a dry eye in the area.

That sight and sound from our military MADE US ALL, FEEL SAFE and SECURE....and PROUD!

Yes, America, there is still a MAJORITY CORE who believe in the basic reasons why our country was founded and why it has been and continues to be....the most successful society in human history....despite what the LIBBYS and their cohorts in the major media and universities try to shove down our throats.

This last Tuesday has shown that "The Sleeping Giant is Awakening".

Get enough of the CORE of this country outraged and they WILL RISE UP!...irregardless of how much the Libby Colleges and Media have tried to shift us to IMMORALITY and SOCIALISM!

Thanks Bill and Hillary.

Bring on Pelozi. Bring on Hillary! Let the country see who the LIBERALS REALLY ARE!

And the FEATURED FLOAT, in our little town was, "THE CAPITOL TREE"!

That's right America...little ole Roseburg, Oregon is providing AMERICA'S CHRISTMAS TREE.... THIS YEAR.

It's an 80 foot wonder that is being hauled cross country and stopping in 58 Towns on a 22 day trip to Washington, DC.

So...if you are fortunate to see the "NATION'S TREE" in your town OR...watch the "NATIONAL Tree Lighting ceremony on TV"....remember...it came from a small town in America where the people still believe in our FLAG....our Constitution and STILL believe in CONSERVATIVE VALUES! (Thank God!)

MY TOWN! Where 90% of us would lay down our lives at a moments notice to DEFEND your butts so YOU can be free to PROTEST whatever the hell you want to protest!

God Bless America.......Don Alm

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