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Glad to see you back, Gordon...! [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Glad to see you back, Gordon...!

Dien Rice
December 21, 2002, 07:39 PM
Hi Gordon,

It's great to see you back!

My feeling when someone is in hardship is - "There, but for the grace of God, go I".

In short, I try to treat people as I would want to be treated, because you never know when your situations might be reversed....

> It is my sincere desire to put my lifetime
> of "interesting" experiences (as
> someone once said of me)...to better use and
> leave this world a little bit better than I
> found it.

> Lofty goals indeed. But without them, then
> what is the purpose?

I agree with you Gordon.... You can make money by helping the world, and leaving it better than you found it. Or you can make money by doing business in a way that leaves the world worse off.... I think doing business the first way, by helping others and improving things, is the better way for your soul.

I was walking along a park a few years ago with my former girlfriend. It was a sunny day, with bright green leaves on the trees and a cool breeze. We were talking about business, and she told me that she felt you couldn't make money in business without being dishonest. She wasn't suggesting I be dishonest - she was suggesting that I do something else! However, I disagreed.... I think you can make money being honest in business.

There are countless examples of honest businesses which succeed. It helps to find something which is an "easy sell" as opposed to a "hard sell" - it's when things are hard to sell that people start to stoop to dishonesty in desperation.... Things are easier to sell when you choose a "hungry market" with people who can easily afford what you're selling.

By the way, if anyone wants to read examples of Gordon's writing, you can find them in the Seeds of Wisdom Stories on the left on the Sowpub home page www.sowpub.com , and throughout the forum archives...!

I'm glad you're back, Gordon! (I missed your posts....)

- Dien Rice

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