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Jason Hatchett
February 10, 2003, 12:13 AM
A friend of mine manufactures and installs transfer poles. This is a devise made for wheelchair patients to assist them in transferring from their chair to the bed, toilet and back, etc. He makes them for about $15 and sells them for $149 and installs them for free. He said he got the idea when his mother fell from her wheelchair and was admitted to a convalescent home for 3 weeks. When she was discharged, the physical therapist prescribed a transfer pole to help her get in and out of her wheelchair.

When it was delivered, the delivery guy asks him for $200. He asked the guy where are you going to install it. He said “we don’t install it, we just deliver it.” So he told the delivery guy to take it back and he built his own.

He now sells and installs 2 to 6 a day at a profit of about $130 each. Everyone always get two or more, one for the bathroom & one for the bedroom. He is far cheaper than any competitor and he is the only one who installs them… and he installs them free.

I would like to see what type of creative ways a guy could sell them and get physical therapists to recommend or prescribe them. Maybe brochures in there waiting areas. I thought of giving the therapists $10 from each referral but found out that’s illegal and I see why.

Any Ideas?

Thank You,

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