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Can MLM ruin your reputation? Opinions, please. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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April 20, 2003, 03:41 AM
OK, So that's a stupid question.
Of course it can, if it's a bad one.
And there are more bad ones than good.

Since I have only been learning about online business for the last six months, I would like some opinions from folks out there with several years experiance in internet marketing.

What about being involved in a "good" one?

Is there such a thing? :-)

How badly does it hurt your good name online to be with a network type business?

What about SFI?
Is it "respectable"?

Are the marketers with SFI on their site risking their credibility?

What about Host4Profit?

There are certainly a few big names involved with H4P.
Does the network structure of H4P have any negative effect on their other online products?

It has become obvious to me lately that most people really hate any & all mlm.

I hate most of them myself because of the large signup fees, monthly minumum purchases or quotas just to keep your active dealer status, expensive upgrades you "need" to make the real $, and all the other hidden baloney. The worst are the ones who won't even tell you who they are or what they sell unless they get all your contact info first.

So many wise, respected, business advisors seem to have such a strong, negative view of any type of mlm that it got me to wonder about the implications of promoting any mlm or network type of business.

Just wanted some opinions from everyone as to how damaging it is to be associated with mlm type businesses?
How badly does it effect your reputation as far as later on when you have your own product to promote?
I realize that it varies greatly depending on which mlm you are with.
I think we all agree that being with the really bad ones will do you much more harm than good.

What I'm asking about here is being involved with a reputable one or one of the "good" ones.

Can that ruin your good name for future online marketing?

Thanks, DaveH


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