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5 Amazing Secret LOW Cost Toys that Produce HUGE profits...and HOW You [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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February 7, 2007, 01:27 PM
can use them.

I call them "toys" because of their low cost. HEY, fact is most toys that kids want today are far more expensive than these money makers...why, for the cost of an iPod or Xbox...you could be pulling in thousands of dollars in no time at all.

ONE I already mentioned. The RCA Voice Recorder. You can find a slew of these things for less than 100 bux, or if you want a super duper model, there are others you can buy...

AUDIO information is still HOT, despite the video surge...

And YOU don't have to record anything, but you can...

do an Interview (I'm somewhat available)
make a "relxation" recording (sounds of nature, like my Midnight At Mary Campbell's Cave recording)
create a CD (of a LOCATION perhaps, like a great place to retire too)
record radio programs (with permission) and market those...

LOTS and LOTS of people still listen to AUDIO...and just because YOU won't listen to a cassette...there are still MILLIONS of people who do...and that 5 buck dual cassette recorder with high speed dubbing I picked up at a garage sale a few years ago is still hard at work...

But then, as Margaret pointed out...there is VIDEO...

Perhaps the fastest growing media on and off the Net.

The RCA "Small Wonder" Camcorder for under 100 bux (I found out about it at bmyers.com...the best 9 bux a month you will spend)...and it serves the purpose for the low cost guerrilla video campaigns...and does a decent job of video for places like YouTube too. The newer models may cost a little over a hundred...BUT, if you want to get in on the next big wave in Internet land, this is a very affordable way to do it.

YEA, most "real" video people would consider it a TOY, BUT it could be your secret weapon...

So you have TWO toys so far. With ways to cash in even.

You could also take that little RCA camcorder to the junk yard and make a video like the one selling on eBay...to the tune of hundreds of dollars for someone (found that one out from Terrance at http://www.sellbooksandvideos.com/ NOT an affiliate link, Toopid ME)

Terrance sells guerrilla videos and finds other people who do too...and he has a course to teach others how to do it...

The third TOY...Platform Plus [TM] Binding Machine sells for about 20 bux from LTD Commodities, to about 30 at eBay...or a slight upgrade...to an Ibico
http://cgi.ebay.com/GBC-IBICO-COMBBIND-C100-Comb-Binding-Machine-NEW_W0QQitemZ330082270944QQihZ014QQcategoryZ61756Q QrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem (http://cgi.ebay.com/GBC-IBICO-COMBBIND-C100-Comb-Binding-Machine-NEW_W0QQitemZ330082270944QQihZ014QQcategoryZ61756Q QrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)

for about 50 bux. A toy? for another 25 to 30 dollars this puppy can do the job for you.

ME? I have TWO huge machines in my basement I bought from a printer going out of business (this is my second set) they are foot powered, weight a ton and can puch holes through about 25 pages at a time...I used them to make the Chattel Report, the Sprint to Freedom.

What COULD you do with a binder? Well let's see.

Crafters use them for their scrapbooking...small businesses who may need a presentation done will outsource this (if you have desktop publishing skills, there is a lot of money to made on the side if you work at getting some business)...

You could create local COOKBOOKS for schools and churches, HOW TO guides, and here is one I'm hesitant to even tell you...

YOU could print out a couple of REPORTS (that you own the rights too of course) that you got in pdf files...and sell them locally to people who aren't as Internet savvy as yourself. A low cost printer like a Canon PIXMA ie 3000 which does duplex printing)...or any low cost printer for that matter...cause you can always flip the pages and run them through again...

And many of these "TOY" printers will let you produce little reports, booklets, HOTSHEETS (bet you saw that one coming..HA!) advertising brochures...that you can have duplicated at Kinkos or Office Max or Staples or mom and pop printshop up the street.

As far as that goes...ALMOST all of those places let you USE their binding machines for FREE...but having one in your home, even a toy one...allows you to print and BIND on demand...and with a comb binding and a nice cover, you add value, both real and perceived to your projects.

YOU could create a little "best places" to __________ Eat, drink and be merry and if advertising motivated sell some ads in these homemade pubs.

So, TOY video cameras, voice recorders, binders (we've talked about LAMINATING in another post..but there is another LOW cost thing you can use to create profits)...

and perhaps the MOST used "TOY" out there for now...that can create HUGE PROFITS for you is....

the DVD/CD burner...and the UPGRADE to the duplicator...

Chances are most of you reading this already have the ability to burn CD's and DVD's You can pick up an external burner for 50 to 100 bux...and a duplicator for a couple of hundred dollars...

And IF you had all of these TOYS...at a cost of around 350 dollars...for about the cost of an 80 gig iPod...you'd have an INFORMATION creating empire at your fingertips.

YES, I'm harping on Information products for now...because they sell. Always have, always will...

And YOU'VE just been give 5 low cost TOYS
1. Video Camcorder RCA or others.
2. Voice Recorder
3. Binder
4. Laminator (detailed elsewhere on SowPub)
5. CD/DVD burners.

That are involved in the very lucrative work from home, assemble on DEMAND, create or own or acquire others', quick and simple, fast and easy, wanted and needed...


OH, of course there are DETAILS that go along with this, but at least you have some ideas now...or at least I hope you do.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. The 7 Dollar Report has been worth over $1,000.00 dollars CASH in the pocket the last few days to a few of the readers of this forum...that I am aware of. Maybe one of them is YOU?

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