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Aust Millionaire "Dick Smith" Reveals his Success Secret [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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May 7, 2007, 06:58 AM
In an interview which just aired on the Unwatched Govt TV channel ABC, Aust entrepreneur and multiple millionaire Dick Smith revealed his secret of success as...

Copy other people's success (copy the best from around the world), ask advice, work hard, and watch the botton line. Also, be organised.

When asked How he applied that to his Electronics Store he said... electronics stores Used to be where you walked in, stood in line and the guy behind the counter got your stuff - but - the best stores overseas had a checkout and let you walk around the store and get the stuff from the shelf yourself. Also, the best stores had catalogs. He copied both of those things and revolutionised the electronics business in Australia.

He also said most people are Afraid to ask for advice.

So there you are. Simple eh? - Copy the best and ask advice.

Michael Ross

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