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Social: Joe Montana, Leon Redbone, and The Animals... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Social: Joe Montana, Leon Redbone, and The Animals...

Gordon Alexander
July 29, 2000, 07:33 PM
If Cleveland Rocks,
then Cuyahoga Falls ROLLS, (and you deadheads should not take that the wrong way).

I'm in between events...

This morning in Canton was the Great Hall of Fame Salute. I was ONCE a football fan. So it is fun seeing these Old Greats in Town, and see Joe Montana inducted into the Hall.

For those of you who ever get to visit, Northeast Ohio is a great place to see HALLS OF FAME, like the Football one in Canton, Rock * Roll in Cleveand and Inventor's in Akron.

When Dien came to town I took him to Blossom Music, and while showing him around I almost ran over three dudes, maybe the band, called Third Eye Blind...Dien nor I had ever heard of them...

BUT both my teenage daughters have...they were impressed that I almost killed one of their favorite bands...

A few years ago it was Reba McIntire (SP?) and I've told that story about her body guards coming out of the truck...she was gracious and forgiving, I think because I used the word petite and cute...and because I didn't see her big hair either.

But don't get the wrong impression, I'm a good driver.

Blossom Music Center is the reason so many celebrities come to town. They stay at the Sheraton same as Dien did.

On any given weekend you could walk through one of the downtown events and bump into Garth or N'Synch or Reba or even Third Eye Blind...

Because they like to walk our little mall, it is safe, EMPTY, and they don't get hassled.

For a back woods little town, we don't get overly impressed with celebrity.

But Leon Redbone is performing today. The Animals (Eric Burdon) tonite and Blood Sweat and Tears tomorrow. I know, I know they are OLD TIMERS and all.

But it is part of the Crooked River Jazz, Blues and Art Festival...

It ain't Monterey...but is COOL none the less.

Next week is Country Fest.

Out at Blossom is CHICAGO, and in the next few weeks some YOUNG bands that I don't know about (or really want to) will be hanging around.

For a small city, Cuyahoga Falls has about 80,000 people, we do OK for entertainment and FUN.

Now next month in Cleveland is the Peter Lowe seminar, if any is planning to attend, maybe we could meet somewhere for lunch or after.

I'm looking forward to hearing Dan Kennedy's latest.

I'll be back in later. I have some posting to do.
Just wanted you to know, there is more to LIFE than work.

But, who knows, I'll probably come back with a couple of stories and have to write about them, so, it is work.

The kind of work I just love to do.

Leo Kottke is coming to Kent, I think next week, and if you ever get a chance to hear him, do it.

I'll answer a couple of posts and see you all LATER...which reminds me, the rest of the bio should be ready by next weekend...

I just do all this incomplete work to keep y'all coming back.


Gordon (Goin eat some ribs and play my blues harmonica) Alexander

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