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I think I need a PUSH over the EDGE...Can you help??? [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : I think I need a PUSH over the EDGE...Can you help???

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September 6, 2007, 01:06 PM
I need some help here. I have this idea (I posted briefly on the subject earlier) to do a "welcome party" for all the newcomers into town. BUT I will go to other cities (other than my own) b/c they already do one similiar here due to it being a military base. (The idea goes something like this: I rent a large expo hall in a 100,000 city and sign up businesses to have a table there to meet the public & show their wares, they can give away samples, we'll have door prizes all day, pop, balloons, entertainment & maybe even some free food. Everyone will be invited via loads of advertisement.)

I wanted to wait to do it till the kids went back to school so I could have quiet to work on the phone. Now they are gone back & I have that time. Now I am SCARED. I'm scared b/c of what if. lol, I know that sounds a bit ridiculous, but it's really stopping me. Let me throw some of them out to you here & maybe some of you will have some answers for me here, ok?

What if the chamber of commerce (I'm marketing thru them...since I'm a stranger in town, I'll be a member there - that'll help) doesn't want a stranger coming in town & taking money from the businesses there & going out of town with it? (Ok, very probable. So I thought of giving a certain % of it back to them or the city...??)

Also, my spouse poo-poo's the idea. *I* like it on the other hand b/c people have FUN there AND make a lot of GREAT new business contacts!

What if no on sees the benefit there in that city? (I mean, b/c THIS city here, everyone knows, being a military base, has LOTS of people moving in & out...what if they don't think a "Welcome party for newcomers" will have much benefit to them THERE? Or do you think that will be a problem?

Yes, I can hear you now..."You're just scared"... Yes, I am. B/c I will face the "I told you so's..." from the spouse if this doesn't go. Unless, of course I don't tell him & just try it...lol..it's all by phone until I have to go there anyway.

I think those are my main fears. If people will buy, I KNOW I can do everything else. I guess it's just the buying/selling & "will they buy it" sort of fear going on here.

Can someone HELP? Thanks! :)


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