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Don Alm
May 6, 2003, 02:22 AM
We "Hit the Motherlode!"

WAIT till you hear about THIS one!
Here's what happened;

The town I live in used to be known as "The Timber Capital of the World!" Then...the environmentalists claimed that an owl, which can live in a K-Mart sign just as well as a forest...MUST be "protected" by NOT cutting the trees within a few hundred miles of where a pair has been seen setting up housekeeping. Thus, logging was stopped and my area is now known as "The UNemployment Capital of the World!".... Thanks to the gullibility and fear of the "powers that be". But, that's another story.

Suffice to say that there are a LOT of able-bodied people around here who must now seek other ways of earning a living.

So...with this huge labor-pool the topic of conversation at most coffee-klatches and neighborhood get-to-gethers usually turns to "Ways To Earn Money Other Than Logging".

And...because I've started so many ventures in my days, folks invite ME to offer advice as to different ways to make some bux.

So...in the past few yrs I've helped many ex-loggers get into programs they had no idea even existed until I introduced them to these "off-the-wall" methods of making money.

I've gotten guys into the Wood Deck Renewal and Oil Stain Removal bizzes...various different Fax-Type and advertising bizzes and other programs and just last month....a "Way To Make $350 A Month From Car Dealers Starting with Less Than $50"!

Here's how it came about;
I also happen to live on one of the BEST Salmon and Steelhead rivers in the world (The Umpqua River)

On Ssturday morning, March 29th...I went fishing with a group of guys from 2 church groups. 2 of them were car dealers.

We got talking a lo and behold one of the dealers started complaining about finding and keeping "good" help these days. He was having a hard time finding people who were willing to "work"..."work" being, cleaning cars on his lots and especially cleaning the trades they got in.

These vehicles had to be cleaned up so they could be sold on his "used" lot. And the people he was paying were just not doing the job or weren't doing it "right". So...it was becoming a real headache for him.

The other car dealer agreed. And hearing these guys talk got my ol' entrepreneur glands a movin'.

I moved over to where they were fishing and asked, "What if I could handle this for you as an "outside service"...would they be willing to pay for someone to take this problem off their hands?

Their immediate response was, "You Bet! Gladly!"

So...we negotiated a price and I told them I'd be ready to go at 8am on April 1st. (the following Tuesday)

When I got home I made a call to one guy who I knew would LOVE to do this kind of "work". He said he'd "give it a try!" That wasn't an enthusiastic enough response for me so...I called another guy and his response was much more exciting.

I told him to come over the next day (Sunday) for "training".

For the next 2 days we went thru all the possibilities of HOW to "properly clean a car and get it ready for sale"!

By Tuesday morning WE WERE READY.

I met Randy at the local coffee shop and we went over to the dealer's lot. The dealer showed us the cars he had taken in on trade and we went to work.

We did 8 cars that day and LOVED IT!

Understand...this was NOT a "detailing" job where we got into cracks & crevices with toothbrushes. Just an overall basic "wash & cleaning".

The next day we did 10 cars and our "system" got better.

The dealer had 30 cars he had taken in on trade and cars he bought at auction. I realized that when we were finished with these cars, we'd be out of business until more cars came in SO...I went over to another 3 car dealers and offered the same deal.

2 took it. So...we had work lined up for the next few days. Then, I went to another town and got 2 more car dealers "signed up"...and, after the first week I had enough work for the rest of the month.

Because I had other projects going I left Randy to do the work. That's what we agreed upon anyway. I would get the jobs and he would do the work.

So...at the end of the first month in biz, April 30th...he made $7,700 cleaning an average of 8 to 12 cars a day.

WHAT A BIZ! And the only expense was some cleaning chemicals and materials. PLUS...it rained almost everyday during April BUT...no matter...using the right materials, the rain didn't bother him in the least.

Now Randy has a new "career" and is a happy camper.

I'm thinking about putting the details of this biz into a Report PROVIDED there's interest.

If you'd like to receive more info on "How To Make $350 A Day From Car Dealers"...send me an email that you'd be interested in knowing more about this project and...if I decide to put something together I'll send it to you.

Thanks.....Don Alm

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