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23 years without releasing a new song and they're No 1 again! - Led Zeppelin [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : 23 years without releasing a new song and they're No 1 again! - Led Zeppelin

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Michael Ross (Aust, Qld)
June 10, 2003, 04:13 AM

Jimmy Page has a play with concert footage and puts the results onto a double DVD pack and has 250,000 sets made.

He then creates a triple CD pack and has 500,000 sets made.

First week of release 154,000 CD sets and 120,000 DVD sets sell. Rocketing Led Zeppelin straight to number one! And outselling Paul McArtney's previous record of 60,000 sets sold in a single week.

People who grew up with them buy. Late comers buy. Gen X buys. Gen Y buys. Kids of today buy their old stuff. They like them because mom and dad like them and their music is actually good. Crosses generations. Timeless music. Something the "groups" of today are unable to produce no matter how much digitising and "fiddling" with knobs and slides they do.

Time Travelers someone called them once. Perhaps because their music transcends generations. Times.

Who knows?

Now excuse me while I whiz on down to the record store and do myself a favor...

Michael Ross

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