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I would recommend checking out this popular way of making money... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : I would recommend checking out this popular way of making money...

Dien Rice
June 26, 2003, 07:54 PM
Hi Gordon,

Hmmm.... I would certainly advise them looking into eBay. In my opinion, eBay is one of the easiest ways to get started making money online.... I think it may have the quickest "learning curve". You can make money online other ways too, but I think with eBay the time between getting started and making a profit is the quickest. And once you know what you're doing, you can even make a living income from it....

The way I see it, most buyers on eBay fit into one of these two categories. They are:

Bargain hunters - those who will buy on eBay only if they can get it for less than they can at their local store.
Collectors - those looking for hard-to-get items. They shop on eBay because they can't buy what they want at their local stores.

If you can appeal to one of these two groups, you can succeed.

There are plenty of books about eBay out there, and each one of them gives you a slightly different twist. But it all boils down to buy here, sell there. For example, it's quite straightforward to apply what you can read in Gordon's Chattel Report to eBay....

EBay can give you an okay turnaround speed, in that once you've listed the item, you can have your money within a week or two. That sounds quite slow compared to "real world" selling, but for online selling it's relatively quick....

Hope that helps! I've introduced a couple of my friends to eBay, and slowly but surely they are turning it into an extra income stream for themselves.... I recommend to start selling what you know and love, because your expertise and enthusiasm about what you're selling can turn into a better sales pitch. :)

The drawback? The drawback is that you have to ship items physically, which can be a drag.... But overall I think an "eBay business" is the easiest online business to start (with the shortest learning curve), and which has the quickest route to profitability....

- Dien Rice

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