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August 1, 2000, 10:15 AM
This one's for me.

I'm tired, because I've been working hard, and I want to take a break and put it all down in black and white so I can see what I'm doing.

This post contains no story, no anecdote, not even a metaphor. It may actually contain complete sentences, you know, the kind with a noun and a verb.


There is lot going on in my life, and this forum has become a break from the daily mundane.

Read this if you want, comment if you choose, but honestly, it really is for my own eyes to see.

I made a commitment to Dien about having work for him to publish. By this time next year there should be 10 Gord-e-books available. That is the goal I put into my own pyramid of accomplishment.

Ten e-books in a year is a heavy writing schedule for me, considering I want to offer the best quality for the lowest prices.

Besides sowpub, I have other things going on. My plate is full as some might say. Why?

That is the question I'm asking myself? Why are you doing this?

See I could open up my MemberGate site and attract 1000 paying customers, maybe at 195 each. This is not assumption, or pure speculation, because some people are on their way to doing this with a member’s only site.

That would be a lot less work and produce an income that would allow me to continue to run around all day in a pair of shorts and a tee shirt.

It would be great for ME.

When my father passed away in '94, my brothers and I took off our ties and threw them away. I don't own a tie or a suit or even a sports jacket anymore, because I avoid the activities where they are required, either business or social.

It has to do with my attitude, and my freedom, and independence, and, well, just the way I live my own life. But that has changed and I have to think long and hard about it. This is why I'm writing this "stream of consciousness" (thanks Richard) post; to get some of those reasons for my behavior down in black and white, and to analyze and examine the motivation.

Why not just do a member’s only site, make a nice chunk of change, sell some chattel, play a lot of golf, goof off, do my own thing and be happy?

I think because I know I wouldn’t be happy. There would be this little voice ringing in my ears, saying something like, “of all the sad words from the tongues of men, the saddest to hear? It could have been”

So I can make a choice about ME, but that leaves an empty spot, a vacancy in my soul about the WE.

And I keep asking myself, and arguing with myself, yea, but why ME? There are others to take care of the WE. There are many people with quality information, useful knowledge that people can learn from and create happy and prosperous lives from. Why ME?

Why do I have to bring Square One out? Is the world going to be a better place because of it? Do I really care? What about ME?

The internal dialogue continues, and I argue that I’ve made my contribution, I’ve paid my dues.

I spent 9 years of my life living in group homes with mentally retarded people, and another 5 years working directly with persons labeled mentally ill, or the homeless veteran, or the physically challenged.

I ask my inner voice, isn’t that enough? Doesn’t that count? That’s more than most people give!

I continue the argument with my inner voice, I volunteer at the soup kitchen, I visit the nursing homes, isn’t that enough, I’m doing all I can for other people.

Sometimes I yell that. Sometimes I scream it. Sometimes I sit at Mary Campbell’s cave and say I’m quitting, I’m going to focus on ME for a while, for a change.

“Isn’t that enough?” And the inner voice always responds with the same answer: “NO”.

No it is not enough because you can do more, and you know it.

Damn inner voice. Why can’t I just tape his big mouth shut?

I live a pretty nice life. Low-key. Freedom. Do my own thing. But, as the inner voice may say, a pretty selfish life too, never mind the so-called “contributions” to society. The inner voice would say they are for my benefit, so I can feel good about myself, so I can rationalize why I haven’t done even more…

And maybe the inner voice is right. But I’m still arguing at this point.

The only “done deal” is the one I’ve made with Dien Rice. I’ve made that commitment and I’ll stick to it.

But the Square One Workshops? Not a done deal. The member’s only site? NOT a done deal.

So I sit here and look around the mountains of books and papers cramping my small office and ask why?

Why am I doing this? Why not just let Dien sell your e-books, continue to play, and be happy?

Why the big plan? Oh, you who are not me don’t know about the big plan do you? Here it is:

I’m looking for 12 people for my ‘board of directors’ of the Square One Workshops. These 12 would be annually chosen from the 144 Master Square One Workshops Teachers. These 144 would be the members of my member’s only site, which would serve as a training and product development center for the 144.

Each of the 144 would have 12 licenses to lease on a yearly basis to the SQ1 presenters. These would be people that present the workshops and work “in the field” so to speak. Each would be an Entrepreneur, operating their own business under the SQ1 banner.

But every Presenter would be part of a team, under the guidance and “control” of one of 144 people with Master Certificates.

That is the Big Plan. The one that gives me headaches to think about.

It takes about 3 hours to cover the 12 Master Pictogrigms. Then, maybe another 3 to tie it all together with the Binary Matrix and the Map of Possibility. A 6-7 hour workshop, easily done in one day.

A person would leave the workshop with PRACTICAL and applicable knowledge, without all the mumbo jumbo or pop psychology so many use today. I love Anthony Robbins, but there are several guys who were his presenters, who worked for Anthony, and now have started their own things. They all claim that the reason they struck out on their own was because of the high failure rate.
In other words, they KNEW that most of the participants DID NOT make the changes in their life they wanted. And these ex-AR Gurus blame the material, the information. They are only ½ right.

Well Duh, any marketer selling a HOW TO book or course KNOWS that maybe 1 in 10 people will apply the information. Most of us know it is more like 1 in 100.

One reason for all the failure is that these courses are too complicated. They get too involved in psychology, or in techniques and methods like NLP and all that. These kinds of courses make it difficult for the average person to make progress.

We live in a culture, like it or not, that is in a hurry. Rush, hurry, speed to here and there, and take information in the smallest possible sound bite or visual means possible. Some say the MTV generation, or the Internet generation. But it has always been like that. Really.

It only appears to have sped up.

Ben Suarez used to say “Tell me quick and tell me true, or my love the hell with you.” This was a reference to display advertising and the opening sentences of direct mail pieces. Also applies to TV infomercials and INTERNET web-sites too.

It is my belief, based upon my experiences, that a person can spend ONE day of their life and be armed with the knowledge and the TOOLS to create whatever changes they want to take place. And with the support of a mentor, or coach if you prefer, they can activate the process to make those changes as fast as they want. As fast as they BELIEVE they can.

I don’t know of any other program that can do this. Do you? If so, PLEASE tell me, maybe I’ll refer people to it, and I’ll get back to the golf course. I’m dying to let someone else do this. I’d love to find someone else with this kind of information, so I can tell that inner voice to bug off.

So, don’t be shy. Do you know of a program that people can learn in ONE day (a few hours of one day actually) and have what they need to make the changes and manifest the life they really want? Or a program that helps them to FIND out what that is? If so, PLEEEEEEEASSE tell me.

Have you ever seen anything as simple as the Pyramid of Accomplishment that was able to explain so much, to SHOW what happens in the pursuit of a goal?

Is there another single piece of paper anywhere that tells as much as the Pictogrigm of Life? If so, bring it forward. I’m trying to weasel out of this Big Plan. I can be easily persuaded, if I can only find a way to keep that inner voice quiet.

But if I can’t, then I’m going to HAVE to commit to SQ1 like I have to sowpub. Because I have it, and to keep it to myself, to horde the knowledge would cause that inner voice to become an inner choir.

A voice I can hardly handle. A host of voices? I’ll become the madman some might think I already am.

I’m recording some audio programs. I’m dusting off the old work. I’m working on new stuff. I’m keeping busy, maybe in the hope that I can drown out that inner voice, maybe I’m hoping it will go away.

Just some off the top of the head thinking for myself.

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