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Dien Rice
November 27, 2000, 06:01 PM
Hi Gordon,

You have a lot going on! :) (I think it's a good thing... :)

It's absolutely amazing to me the number of things you can do to make money... I feel like I'd like to follow your life's example and give them all a go.... :)

The array of choices is incredible....

I recently got the book, "555 Ways to Earn Extra Money" by Jay Conrad Levinson, just so I could leaf through the array of choices....

The amazing thing is that those 555 ways are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg!

But for most things, having promotional and selling skills is critical.... So that's what I work on....

I've enjoyed experimenting with Remote Hypnosis.... and using some of the different common pre-occupations as interrupters....

But in addition to that I've also been seeing what various opportunities are out there....

I've also been reading about P. T. Barnum.... He was truly the promotional genius of his day

Actually reading about him reminds me of you, Gordon, he knew how to promote himself and others too.... :)

(He never said "There's a sucker born every minute" by the way -- apparently that line was made up by a newspaper reporter, I believe that Barnum would never have said such a thing.... He respected his customers too much....)

At the moment, I'm a bit awestruck at the array of possibilities.... There are so many paths to financial success, which one(s) do you take?

The choices are dazzling!

Of course, this is exactly the sort of thing your binary matrix is designed for.... It's a powerful tool, and I'm very glad you shared it with us.... :)

My brother Thomas and I have had many discussions about these sorts of topics... We agree that one of the main keys -- if you want to make it BIG that is -- is to have people working for you.... I also believe this is a good service, because you are also bringing money to others in the community....

Your choices are much wider if you have a team of people to do the work.

That doesn't necessarily mean having employees.... It could also mean outsourcing a lot of the work.

In fact, when you think about doing EVERYTHING yourself, I think you are limited.... There are still some great opportunities (like in being an agent or distributor, or being an author for example), but when you include outsourcing a lot of the work (as you do, Gordon), then the possibilities are practically endless....

It's important, I think, to get out of the mindset that you have to do it ALL yourself.... It's good to outsource some of it.... Then your range of possibilities shoots sky-high....

Okay, like Barnum I've got to generate a STORM of publicity..... Whatta guy!

I'll post some of Barnum's advice about gaining success soon....

I think it's just as valid today as it was in his day!

Okay, enough ramblings for now.... :)

- Dien

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