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Business: Hershell Gordon Lewis, Ben Suarez, Jim Straw, Melvin Powers, and other Masters.... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Gordon Alexander
August 2, 2000, 09:24 AM
On Simon Latouche's board,

which you all should start visiting and learning from,

I posted a little blurb about how I see myself in this whole copywriting/marketing universe.

Tony Blake did a great job analyzing the WSJ letter and telling us all why it worked...

Tony is a MASTER, and I compared him to a Jack Nicklaus of golf, and me?

I'm more like Rod Funseth...

I hear the WHOs...

The late Rod was one of my favorite golfers. You'd have to be a real golf fan, not some Tiger come lately jump on the bandwagon golf fan.

Rod won, I think, 3 tournaments in his 20 year career on the tour. Maybe at Hartford, and the Sammy Davis Tourney, memory escapes me and I'm not about to look it up..

Rod is probably most remembered for the '78 Masters tournament, which he lost...

but it was none the less a crowning moment of his golf career.

Rod was a day in and day out player. A journeyman. A work horse.

He seldom won, but for 20 years made a decent living at the game he loved. He wasn't a star.
He wasn't a celebrity. But he LOVED the game and stayed with it for years.

So, I'm proud to compare myself to Rod.

I'm not a MASTER, I'm a student. I have a lot to learn from the Jack Nicklaus' of the world.

I'm never going to be a Hershell Gordon Lewis, or a Ben Suarez, and quite frankly that is OK with me.

I LIKE what I do. I get to pick and choose the things I want to work hard on. I may never hit a home run in marketing or copywriting, but like the little engine that could, like Rod Funseth, I keep on keeping on.

Personally, I don't care for the limelight, I'd much prefer to work behind the scenes, to just go out and play the best round I can today.

So, I study the MASTERS. I learn from them. I grow daily knowing I may never be one of them, but happily I trudge down the fairways of anonymity, because it sure beats working for a living, I'm sure the late Rod Funseth would agree.

Gordon (Master of the lazy stroll down the 18th) Alexander

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