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Boyd Stone
December 5, 2000, 11:52 AM

Thank you very much, JJS and Gordon.


I know that what I wrote works, because I'm now, finally, able to define the following:

* What business am I in?

* What am I best at doing, that people want to pay for?

It's taken me years to be able to answer these "simple" questions. Here is total truth: a year ago I couldn't answer those questions, and I honestly felt, at that time, that I qualified for Gummit assistance under the mythical "Americans With No Abilities Act."

If I had kept track of what I voluntarily worked hard at for no pay, and then defined myself, as a person, by what I was doing for free, I could have come up with my definitions *a lot* earlier.

Now I know what I'm going to do for a living, and I can look back and see that I've been doing the same thing for free for my whole life.

Word, y'all.



> A DIARY is a great idea, and at the very
> least a detailed calendar of your day. I
> pull out the old calendars every Decemember,
> I use the week between Christmas and New
> Year's to REVIEW, and to REVISE my to do
> list for the new year.

> My detailed calendars go back to 1991...and
> before that, they are sketchy things. But
> they make for a resource of good ideas, ones
> you had several years ago but didn't act on.
> And to see what was happening too.

> Yes it was useful, it stimulates thinking.

> Many people do not allow themselves to see
> MORE of what they are or could be because
> they are struggling with the day...and so by
> writing down your daily events and analyzing
> them, it would give some insight into other
> facets of personality and even skills.

> The "journal" movement has been
> around for awhile, and women have more of a
> tendency to use it than men, but it is an
> effective way to get in touch with parts of
> yourself that may remain hidden until you do
> a little digging for them.

> Gordon

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