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View Full Version : Here's how to be a big fish in a small pond

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April 22, 2010, 11:02 AM
Hello Sowpubbers,
Many IM blogs, Internet Marketing newsletters, plus
innumerable Internet Marketing products and
launches, focus on being successful with Twitter,
Facebook, and Myspace.

There's no question that if one were to master the
techniques of reaching those millions and millions of
social networkers, then one can indeed earn a lot of

I remember the days when I sold products extoling
the virtues of marketing to Yahoo and Google Groups
because that's where the people were gathered.

I taught that it was necessary to tap into these
mega-watt gathering places to reach people with
special interests.

Today the marketing opportunities are still the same,
except instead of Yahoo, Google, MSN, and AOL,
people are spread out over hundreds of groups now
called social networks.

Social networking is here to stay!

The problem is that many marketers forget that
there hundreds of other social networks OTHER
than the big three of Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter.

If you were to focus on marketing in some of the
smaller "specialized" networks you won't find that
much competition.

Did you know that there's a social site that has
millions of members which cater almost exclusively
to mothers?

The same is true about a social site that's all about dogs.

Think how successful you can be if you leave the
dog eat dog world (Uncle Brent, you're a funny guy)
of Twitter and focus on the smaller groups.

By smaller, I do not mean a few hundred. Social
networks are so hugely popular that the top ten
have multi-millions of visitors.

Before I give you a list of lucrative destinations,
remember a very important thing: only the smart
marketers understand the power of reaching these
smaller networks.

Why not become a big fish in small ponds?

1. Facebook with 133,623,529 unique visits.
2. MySpace with 50,615,444 unique visits.
3. Twitter with 23,573,178 unique visits.
4. Linkedin with 15,475,890 unique visits.
5. Classmates with 14,613,381 unique visits.
6. MyLife with 8,736,352 unique visits.
7. Ning with 6,120,667 unique visits.
8. LiveJournal with 3,834,155 unique visits.
9. Tagged with 3,800,325 unique visits.
10. Last.fm with 3,473,978 unique visits.

Friendsfeed (Google Page Rank 8)

Ning (Google Page Rank 8)

Friendster (Google Page Rank 7)

Meetup Google Page Rank 7)

Bebo (Google Page Rank 7)

Start fishing in these smaller ponds and watch your income rise.

God loves you.

Brent Whinfield.

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