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Entrepreneurial career paths [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Boyd Stone
January 21, 2001, 12:59 PM

Classifying our community, in no particular order:

There's the High-Fliers, like Sanford or that supersalesman in print, Gary.

There's the Professionals, like Phil, Marlon, J.F., David and many others.

There's the "Gurus."

There's the Suppliers, like list brokers or software creators.

There's the Novices.

There's the Strugglers; I'm still in the ranks of the Strugglers at the moment, though I should soon be able to move into the ranks of the Novices.

Escaping the ranks of the Strugglers is 95% of the job. Once out, following whatever career path you pick is easy in comparison to what you've already done.

I see a need for products that aid the Strugglers. This ain't it--> "1,000,000,000 Tips and Techniques For Making Money." Strugglers need blueprints and self-esteem builders. I realize these products are hard to make, because you have to tailor-fit the blueprint to the individual, yada yada yada.

Hope this was useful in some way.



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