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Overcoming self-defeating behavior [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Mark Wells
February 11, 2001, 08:10 PM
Thank you for this post, Gordon. You hit the nail on the head (as usual) about information overload. For me, this created another problem many call analysis paralysis. I spent hours and hours looking into this "opportunity" or reading about all the technical details involved in online marketing. I went nowhere fast. I bought into things that were not really me. My heart wasn't in it and I failed miserably.

That was two years ago. I disappeared from the forums for a long time. One day, I woke up and asked myself "Why do I keep making the same mistakes? I am very creative, yet procrastinate about implementing my ideas. Is it fear?" I realized before ANYTHING would work for me, I had to change my MINDSET. I didn't think like a successful person, therefore I didn't act like one.

Part of the problem was the stress of a failing marraige, lack of confidence in myself and relying on someone else's opportunity rather than creating my own. I had to start believing in myself again...being good to myself. For me, this meant getting back to those things that make me who I am. I started working out again, listening to music that calms me after a long day in a noisy factory (where I am a technician but not for long ;). I became aware of negative self-talk and changed it. I discovered things like visualization. It took a while but I feel pretty good again.

The other day, I sat down and made a list of the 10 things I enjoy doing most. I ranked them, then made a list of how money can be made in those areas. My life's work is someplace on that page! I know for that me to succeed, I have to not just believe in...but be passionate about what I am doing.

Overcoming the self-defeating behaviors that hold many of us back can be difficult but it can be done.

Thanks to you and Dien for creating this forum. It's spirit is more creative an inspirational than competitive. It's very refreshing to find that.

Mark Wells

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