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Should we be thinking about our success? [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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R Hagel
March 5, 2001, 01:53 AM
As business professionals, we may find ourselves imagining our future success. This may take the form of daydreaming about selling more products, or we may even imagine how we'll live when we've "made it" (however you personally define "making it"). Others use this form of imagery as a tool for self-improvement (for example, daily affirmations such as "I am a success"). Indeed, we've all probably heard success stories or had our own personal experiences confirming that affirmations and imagery are powerful tools.

Now here is an interesting twist on this concept...a friend of mine works in sales for a major magazine. His job is to secure major advertising accounts for the magazine (several hundred thousand dollar accounts and up!).

He doesn't imagine his success...in other words, he doesn't imagine himself securing these accounts and making a nice commission. Instead, he imagines his CLIENT'S success. After he has had an initial meeting with a potential client, he imagines the client opening an advertising account and being richly rewarded. He imagines potential clients accomplishing THEIR goals--selling their products, acquiring new customers, etc.

Soon after my friend began using this "alternative" sales technique, he said his potential clients were showing up in his office or calling him to open an account, sometimes within moments after he imagined them succeeding!

Any thoughts on this technique?

If you use imagery or affirmations, you may want to give this a shot. I'll be waiting to hear your success stories.


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