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Dien Rice April 13, 2012 06:25 PM

Here's a "premium" - where the premium is worth more than the order itself!
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Adman (Post 30550)
One of my first "Ad Programs" was putting ADS on "Shirt Boards". These were cardboard sheets that dry cleaners placed inside shirts to keep the shirts from getting crumpled.

I provided dry cleaners with FREE Shirt Boards (I made money placing Ads on them)

Well (get ready, here comes da "BS") One day I was having coffee with one of my Dry Cleaners and he was talking about how he wished he could come up with a Promotion Idea where he didn't have to discount his prices to stay "competitive" with his competitors (Those were the days of "One-Hour Martinizing") one of the dry cleaners on my route....I remembered seeing a "GOLD" Hanger hanging on a stand with a sign that said....

Beautiful Hangers for your Guest Coat Closet
With Every Order of $25 or More!

Well...according to this dry cleaner "when faced with a choice between reducing prices and giving something away free… give something away free!"

He found a way to Significantly Boost his Sales And Profit Without The Use Of Discounts Or Coupons

That's a great story - about the use of a "premium" in an industry where you don't see it too often...

Premiums work! All those extra "bonuses" you see on those internet marketing ads are premiums too. As well as those offers of an extra "this or that" if you renew your subscription to a magazine, for example...

(I remember my Dad once got a camera - in the pre-digital camera days - for renewing his subscription to Time magazine...)

Here's an interesting one. Order some coffee - and get a free coffee maker!

Apparently this has worked very well for Gevalia (which sells coffee), in their direct mail marketing...

The coffee maker is worth more than the initial coffee order! (In their current offer - it has a $90 retail value, for a $24.99 initial order.)

However... When you count the average lifetime value of repeat orders - they make great profits with this offer!

They've been making this offer, or a similar one, for at least 15 years... So it's gotta be working!

Here's the offer as it is from their website...

(I've added a second ad of theirs as an attachment.)

More info about this promotion here... (article about this, written in 1999) (you can see their current offer here)

Best wishes,


Phil April 13, 2012 10:18 PM

202 Things You Can Buy and Sell for Big Profits! ...
Just to Help you Wet your {Whistle's} a little more, Add-on from the #2 post after GJA...

Simply! ... Apply this To the ''Potato Peeler Man''... Personalized Video's...

''Twistable'' Mobile Street Vending! ...

The Less You Ask the Authorities, Sometimes, Usually the Better! But it's, as usual, Money making Lessons and Applications are All Up To You... :)

202 Things You Can Buy and Sell for Big Profits...;)

Off to the Streets of New York City... We All Go! ...

Lea Lerman's Tips for Selling on the Streets of New York City | New ...

All the Best...


RgrPett April 13, 2012 10:48 PM

Re: Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...
That Today Show video of Joe Ades was shot in 2008.

Joe died on Fed 1, 2009, only a day after being informed that he had been granted American citizenship.

The video is a bit misleading though in that the Park Ave. apartment where he lived actually belonged to his fourth wife ... the one mentioned in the video. So maybe Joe married into money and that possibly the potato peeler sales weren't quite as lucrative as the video implies.

But ... the same Rosenhaus-Swiss-4466-Swisspro-Vegetable peeler lives on at Amazon.

Roger P

Dien Rice April 14, 2012 08:17 AM

That's brilliant!

Originally Posted by Samir (Post 30536)
Here's an idea that requires some prepping before you "fall off the plane" but the payoff can be more than $500 per day.

Hi Samir,

Thanks for sharing this idea - I think your way of doing it sounds ingenious!

I've done the "buying and selling" on eBay before, and yes, I made steady money. I think your way sounds "cleverer" though, as I didn't identify the bulk buyers, I just went through the regular auction system and "buy it now" system (depending on the item)...

Thanks for sharing this! (I may give it a try...)

Best wishes,


P.S. You could write another report just on this, if you wanted to... I'm confident that many people would be interested in buying it.

Randy April 14, 2012 11:42 PM

Re: Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...
Looks like I dropped in on another excellent day when lots of mighty fine ideas are being exchanged just as I remembered of SowPub when I last was here some while ago. Great ideas my friends. :)

Normally when I am dropped out of a plane I like to find a restaurant with some good coffee. I'd ask therestaurant owner if they ever get broken mugs (they all do) and when they said yes I would ask if they might like 144 mugs without paying for them. When they would agree I'd grab a napkin, sketch a wrap-around with their restaurant logo, name, address and phone at the top and 8 rectangular shaped boxes that I would put biz card type ads in from local businesses. I'd ask what biz owners they know that frequent their restaurant and get their contact info, call them and sell them ads to go on the mugs at $150 a pop.

8 x $150.00 = $1,200.00

By the time I pay for the mugs I have between $800-$1000.00 in my pocket.

I did this years ago with a restaurant owner that I frequented and she even called the prospects that she gave me the names to and told them I was working on something for her that she wanted them to be a part of.

Basically there was really no selling on my part. All I did was go show them the idea, collected their biz card and check and that was that. Simple and fairly easy money.

Thanks for asking Gordon!

Dien Rice April 15, 2012 09:48 AM

Thanks Randy!

Originally Posted by Randy (Post 30600)
Looks like I dropped in on another excellent day when lots of mighty fine ideas are being exchanged just as I remembered of SowPub when I last was here some while ago. Great ideas my friends. :)

Normally when I am dropped out of a plane I like to find a restaurant with some good coffee. I'd ask therestaurant owner if they ever get broken mugs (they all do) and when they said yes I would ask if they might like 144 mugs without paying for them. When they would agree I'd grab a napkin, sketch a wrap-around with their restaurant logo, name, address and phone at the top and 8 rectangular shaped boxes that I would put biz card type ads in from local businesses. I'd ask what biz owners they know that frequent their restaurant and get their contact info, call them and sell them ads to go on the mugs at $150 a pop.

8 x $150.00 = $1,200.00

By the time I pay for the mugs I have between $800-$1000.00 in my pocket.

I did this years ago with a restaurant owner that I frequented and she even called the prospects that she gave me the names to and told them I was working on something for her that she wanted them to be a part of.

Basically there was really no selling on my part. All I did was go show them the idea, collected their biz card and check and that was that. Simple and fairly easy money.

Hi Randy,

Thanks for sharing your experiences!

It's always cool to hear from those who have "hit the ground running" and done it...!

(As many others here have, too...!)

Best wishes,


Duane Adolph April 17, 2012 12:54 AM

Re: What, no PORN?????
Hey Gordon!

Looks like this thread has EXPLODED with ideas. And I kept the brainstorm to " friendly".

After one your previous posts was nuked (which I thought was an awesome post by the way)...I decided to avoid certain topics here. So to answer your question "NO ****" in that brainstorm session lol

Glad to see all the brilliance come out in this thread.



Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 30534)
Thanks Duane, you are right about brainstorming.

Anything goes.

Bubba Watson won the Masters Golf Tournament with an impossible shot which no one even imagined except Bubba, gotta love that guy.

Which made me come up with these:

Become the next Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton...I'll video you having sex and help it go viral...only 1k bux. Free ads on craigslist.

Get me a pretty girl, hit the truckstops, I do headlights, she does truckers. EZ money.

Hit the college Frat house, sell **** on a stick, 50 bux each...find the football dorm...locate the defensive tackle...sell him 20 jump drives for 24 each, he doubles his money...selling to the team. (Beats selling dope, although you didn't mention that one either).

Do sex toy invite only (have to set up on craigslist in advance)...

Teach sex. Most guys have their BS in the subject.

Sex, drugs and rock and roll...sell posters of the 60s-70s and stoner videos on VHS, sell vhs machines you find at thrift stores for 2 bux...frats can throw a toga party (if you need to ask, you're too dang young)...

So, even with these anything goes ideas, by throwing a ho bunch of mud at the wall, maybe some of it will combine into a doable idea.

Or it could be uterine nonsense...


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