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Millard Grubb April 25, 2022 08:04 AM

Using Your Voice To Make Money
I've often wondered if audio books were a good alternative than writing an actual printed book.

Has anyone tried this?

I know that audio versions of books exist everywhere. What was interesting to me is the idea that just creating a book by speaking, instead of writing might be easier.

My experience has been to create audio products. (I have several in a couple of niches) Although I have never considered them to be audio books... just an audio information product.

Maybe I am just looking at the term audiobook as something different than audio information product. It could just be semantics.

I experimented with an online transcription service and made a 75 page report of a couple of my recordings and it worked well for me. It is almost like working backwards.... transcribe a recording to develop ebook and then have an audio of ebook as a bonus. Hmmm.

GordonJ April 25, 2022 12:34 PM

Yes, you already have audio books Millard.
With today's tech, what would the reason be for not offering both?

Simple software (even free) can convert audio to text. And some decent text to audio, although just reading works well for NY Times best sellers.

I don't like audio. But there are millions who do. So why eliminate a large part of your market with only one choice? Offer both.

As for us trying this, you'll find a lot of archival discussion on this going back over a decade and within the last year or two, Dien and I both have tested and reported on various text to speech and speech to text software. Sort of old school by this point.

Give the people what they want, how they want it.



Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 42813)
I've often wondered if audio books were a good alternative than writing an actual printed book.

Has anyone tried this?

I know that audio versions of books exist everywhere. What was interesting to me is the idea that just creating a book by speaking, instead of writing might be easier.

My experience has been to create audio products. (I have several in a couple of niches) Although I have never considered them to be audio books... just an audio information product.

Maybe I am just looking at the term audiobook as something different than audio information product. It could just be semantics.

I experimented with an online transcription service and made a 75 page report of a couple of my recordings and it worked well for me. It is almost like working backwards.... transcribe a recording to develop ebook and then have an audio of ebook as a bonus. Hmmm.

Dien Rice April 26, 2022 04:05 AM

My experience...
Hi Millard,

While I haven't done this with whole books or ebooks, I've experimented with dictating whole articles, and having them transcribed...

(Many writers in the "old days" used a similar technique. Sidney Sheldon used to dictate all his scripts and books to a secretary, who transcribed what he said...)

I recorded my dictation, then had it transcribed with or from the recording (I tried and liked both)...

I had to make some corrections where there were transcription errors, but there weren't too many...

The only thing that "bothered" me is my speaking style seems to be different from my writing style!

So I felt I had to do more "editing" with the dictation method to get the final result how I wanted it to be...

However, on the plus side, I think there were fewer problems with "writer's block"... For some reason, I am more likely to suffer from that when I physically write...

I think, for me, the first draft is easier to "write" when I dictate. But later on, there was more editing required...

Best wishes,



Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 42813)
I've often wondered if audio books were a good alternative than writing an actual printed book.

Has anyone tried this?

I know that audio versions of books exist everywhere. What was interesting to me is the idea that just creating a book by speaking, instead of writing might be easier.

My experience has been to create audio products. (I have several in a couple of niches) Although I have never considered them to be audio books... just an audio information product.

Maybe I am just looking at the term audiobook as something different than audio information product. It could just be semantics.

I experimented with an online transcription service and made a 75 page report of a couple of my recordings and it worked well for me. It is almost like working backwards.... transcribe a recording to develop ebook and then have an audio of ebook as a bonus. Hmmm.

Dien Rice April 26, 2022 04:13 AM

New revolutions in this field...
Hi Millard,

One service which intrigues me (which I haven't tried yet) is ...

The main feature that intrigues me is that it can take your audio recording, and "learn" your voice...

Then you can edit the audio just by editing the transcript!

It will use "your" voice to replace words in your audio, with new words...!

As they say on their web page, "you just edit audio by editing text"...

One of my brothers tried it out, and sent me an example... He only changed one word, but you couldn't tell that the new word was "fake" and not part of the original recording...

Best wishes,



Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 42816)
Hi Millard,

While I haven't done this with whole books or ebooks, I've experimented with dictating whole articles, and having them transcribed...

(Many writers in the "old days" used a similar technique. Sidney Sheldon used to dictate all his scripts and books to a secretary, who transcribed what he said...)

I recorded my dictation, then had it transcribed with or from the recording (I tried and liked both)...

I had to make some corrections where there were transcription errors, but there weren't too many...

The only thing that "bothered" me is my speaking style seems to be different from my writing style!

So I felt I had to do more "editing" with the dictation method to get the final result how I wanted it to be...

However, on the plus side, I think there were fewer problems with "writer's block"... For some reason, I am more likely to suffer from that when I physically write...

I think, for me, the first draft is easier to "write" when I dictate. But later on, there was more editing required...

Best wishes,


GordonJ April 26, 2022 12:12 PM

The tools are great, HOWEVER...THIS>>>>>

In force, in the marketplace, FOR SALE, a chance for someone to buy what you are offering.

LOOK, these are great tools, Dien and I recently exchanged communication about these tools.

But here is my thing, my current CURMUDGEON self...

Get whatever you got into the market.

Text, video, audio, graphic or any combination. Don't matter what form it takes if it stays on your desk.

I can name 10 people off the top of my head, right now, here today...who have a lot of stored value and are fiddle farting around with these, in my opinion, details of PROCRASTINATION.

It is like the guy who spends hours on the cover of his ebook, and he hasn't written a single word of it (true as of yesterday).

I mean, come on people, if you have something to sell, then quit screwing around and start to sell it.

Being too busy worrying about format, when all should be easily doable, with today's really just one more way of delaying and showing resistance to your future good fortune.



Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 42817)
Hi Millard,

One service which intrigues me (which I haven't tried yet) is ...

The main feature that intrigues me is that it can take your audio recording, and "learn" your voice...

Then you can edit the audio just by editing the transcript!

It will use "your" voice to replace words in your audio, with new words...!

As they say on their web page, "you just edit audio by editing text"...

One of my brothers tried it out, and sent me an example... He only changed one word, but you couldn't tell that the new word was "fake" and not part of the original recording...

Best wishes,


Dien Rice April 26, 2022 03:24 PM

If only I lived closer to this cafe...
Hi Gordon,

In terms of getting things done... I wish I lived closer to this cafe I just wrote about...! :)

If you have problems getting writing done, this cafe is for you...

Best wishes,



Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 42818)

In force, in the marketplace, FOR SALE, a chance for someone to buy what you are offering.

LOOK, these are great tools, Dien and I recently exchanged communication about these tools.

But here is my thing, my current CURMUDGEON self...

Get whatever you got into the market.

Text, video, audio, graphic or any combination. Don't matter what form it takes if it stays on your desk.

I can name 10 people off the top of my head, right now, here today...who have a lot of stored value and are fiddle farting around with these, in my opinion, details of PROCRASTINATION.

It is like the guy who spends hours on the cover of his ebook, and he hasn't written a single word of it (true as of yesterday).

I mean, come on people, if you have something to sell, then quit screwing around and start to sell it.

Being too busy worrying about format, when all should be easily doable, with today's really just one more way of delaying and showing resistance to your future good fortune.


Millard Grubb April 26, 2022 04:27 PM

Re: Yes, you already have audio books Millard.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 42814)
With today's tech, what would the reason be for not offering both?

Simple software (even free) can convert audio to text. And some decent text to audio, although just reading works well for NY Times best sellers.

I don't like audio. But there are millions who do. So why eliminate a large part of your market with only one choice? Offer both.

As for us trying this, you'll find a lot of archival discussion on this going back over a decade and within the last year or two, Dien and I both have tested and reported on various text to speech and speech to text software. Sort of old school by this point.

Give the people what they want, how they want it.


Thanks for the tips.

I've already created one ebook as I mentioned and am setting up the system to sell it, along with some nifty bonuses. Site will be up and running in about a week.

Working on next website for other products I have. Having more fun than ever creating new products by adapting what I already have done.

I'll keep everyone updated.


Glenn April 26, 2022 06:19 PM

Mark Twain Wrote All His Books With Paper & Pen
Thanks Gordon,

Best Selling Author, James Patterson, Writes all his books in PENCIL.

Dunno Why.

Did not get the idea from those two. Came to it myself. I think better on paper than while Staring at a computer Screen.


I outline Ideas on paper.

Then SPEED WRITE them on the computer. This Outline Strategy seems to allow
me to make Lots of ESP Type Changes too.

ONCE things are down on paper - it MOTIVATES me to Type Them Up.


P.S. - Personally I couldn't use that Writing Cafe.

Too Many distractions.

Any movement in my peripheral vision. I can't focus.

Tried studying outdoors in College.

Total fail.

Dien Rice April 26, 2022 08:41 PM

Gary Halbert's physical way of writing promotions...
Thanks for sharing this, Glenn!

I'm going to try your idea... Plan on paper, then write on the computer...

I was recently reading some stuff by Doberman Dan, one of Gary Halbert's protégés...

He says that Gary Halbert used to write all his promotions by hand.

He also insisted that those working with him - like Doberman Dan at the time - do the same too...!

Best wishes,


P.S. For those who may not have heard of him, the late Gary Halbert was well-known among copywriting circles... You can still find many of his newsletters for free at - which is being maintained by his sons... Doberman Dan can be found at ...

P.P.S. In my case, while working, I actually like a bit of people movement in my peripheral vision... Just don't come and bother me! :) Some of my favorite places to work are in swanky hotel lobbies. You don't need to stay at the hotel to do it... Their coffee and other hot beverages are expensive, but you only need one...


Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 42822)
Thanks Gordon,

Best Selling Author, James Patterson, Writes all his books in PENCIL.

Dunno Why.

Did not get the idea from those two. Came to it myself. I think better on paper than while Staring at a computer Screen.


I outline Ideas on paper.

Then SPEED WRITE them on the computer. This Outline Strategy seems to allow
me to make Lots of ESP Type Changes too.

ONCE things are down on paper - it MOTIVATES me to Type Them Up.


P.S. - Personally I couldn't use that Writing Cafe.

Too Many distractions.

Any movement in my peripheral vision. I can't focus.

Tried studying outdoors in College.

Total fail.

GordonJ April 27, 2022 02:45 PM

Gary, me and the strip club...
OK Buckwheat, lets see what you got. Said Gary as we sat at the table in the local Strip Club.

I had to write a promotion in less than an hour.

Something about prayer cloths and prayer requests.

It was my final exam. It was the lunch crowd, ten cent wings, dollar drinks.

Misty, Sheila, Buffy and Candie were the main performers.

When the alarm clock went off, I put down the pen.

Gary read it quickly, said, It sucks.

Reset the timer, and we sat through the next round...

Desiree, Krystal, Monica and Melody.

I started over.

Finally, after a day of writing, Gary gave me the not so bad signoff.

The Client made millions, Gary got his, I got an attaboy (and a tassel from Candie).

Totally untrue story....

I didn't write a thing this time, and the tassel came from Buffy.



Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 42823)
Thanks for sharing this, Glenn!

I'm going to try your idea... Plan on paper, then write on the computer...

I was recently reading some stuff by Doberman Dan, one of Gary Halbert's protégés...

He says that Gary Halbert used to write all his promotions by hand.

He also insisted that those working with him - like Doberman Dan at the time - do the same too...!

Best wishes,


P.S. For those who may not have heard of him, the late Gary Halbert was well-known among copywriting circles... You can still find many of his newsletters for free at - which is being maintained by his sons... Doberman Dan can be found at ...

P.P.S. In my case, while working, I actually like a bit of people movement in my peripheral vision... Just don't come and bother me! :) Some of my favorite places to work are in swanky hotel lobbies. You don't need to stay at the hotel to do it... Their coffee and other hot beverages are expensive, but you only need one...

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