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GordonJ May 4, 2022 11:51 AM

FREE copywriting course, DAYS 1 & 2
Here tis:

You need a notebook. Pen/pencil.

My Discount Drug Mart sells them for .99 cents.

Amazon: 2.09

Day one and two. OBSERVATION. What do people buy?

As you go about your day, even if you don't leave the house, ask yourself and write down your observations of what people buy. On page one have two columns, NEEDS & WANTS.

When out and about, be in AWARENESS MODE, and write down what you see people buy, no matter where or what.

Now a look at a "typical" paycheck, someone at 20 an hour working 40 hours a week.

800 dollars.
210 TAXES, etc.
590 X 4.25 = 2500 rounded off, a month.

Groceries. Rent/Mortage. Utilities. Clothing. Gas.

What is left over, the so-called disposal income is the gold for most marketers...although, the RICH guys do sell food, oil/gas, LOANS, etc., etc.

As you spend the first 48 hours observing what people buy, you will create a list, and these will go on one of the 2 columns, NEED or WANT.

We'll get into the differences later.

We all need food. But some of us shop at Aldi's or Save a Lot and Walmart while others go to Whole Foods and boutique food stores.

These first 2 days are intended to raise your awareness of what people buy, where and how, and even some WHY?

Why Walmart instead of Whole Foods?

See, if you believe that Copywriting is salesmanship in print, as it has been often described...

And the job of the copy WRITER is to get the reader/viewer/listener TO BUY, (or to believe) don't you first have to know;

What people buy?

Let me know if this makes too much sense and you'd rather be dazzled with some amazing inside secrets of the billion dollar companies...


Feel free to respond in the thread, we can cover a lot of territory if you want.


Dien Rice May 4, 2022 02:10 PM

What do they...
Hi Gordon,

This is great stuff...

I would love more insights on how to get into the MIND of your prospect...

What do they really want?

Thanks... :)

- Dien


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 42840)
Here tis:

You need a notebook. Pen/pencil.

My Discount Drug Mart sells them for .99 cents.

Amazon: 2.09

Day one and two. OBSERVATION. What do people buy?

As you go about your day, even if you don't leave the house, ask yourself and write down your observations of what people buy. On page one have two columns, NEEDS & WANTS.

When out and about, be in AWARENESS MODE, and write down what you see people buy, no matter where or what.

Now a look at a "typical" paycheck, someone at 20 an hour working 40 hours a week.

800 dollars.
210 TAXES, etc.
590 X 4.25 = 2500 rounded off, a month.

Groceries. Rent/Mortage. Utilities. Clothing. Gas.

What is left over, the so-called disposal income is the gold for most marketers...although, the RICH guys do sell food, oil/gas, LOANS, etc., etc.

As you spend the first 48 hours observing what people buy, you will create a list, and these will go on one of the 2 columns, NEED or WANT.

We'll get into the differences later.

We all need food. But some of us shop at Aldi's or Save a Lot and Walmart while others go to Whole Foods and boutique food stores.

These first 2 days are intended to raise your awareness of what people buy, where and how, and even some WHY?

Why Walmart instead of Whole Foods?

See, if you believe that Copywriting is salesmanship in print, as it has been often described...

And the job of the copy WRITER is to get the reader/viewer/listener TO BUY, (or to believe) don't you first have to know;

What people buy?

Let me know if this makes too much sense and you'd rather be dazzled with some amazing inside secrets of the billion dollar companies...


Feel free to respond in the thread, we can cover a lot of territory if you want.


MikePT May 4, 2022 03:57 PM

Re: FREE copywriting course, DAYS 1 & 2
Love it.

All what is "back to basics" with something physical away from screens I love it.

When we think what people BUY, what they WANT and NEEDS we need to add to the quation: WHERE?

1st World Countries are not the same as 2nd World Countries and 3rd World Countries.

On a 1st World Country where self-motivation exists, in 2nd World Countries probably not,at least on the professional arena. If it esists is a tiny % of the population. If it is for personal arena as how to lose fat, attract more women, have a more manly beard, mor muscle, etc maybe.

I don't know if the problem is PROFESSIONAL vs PERSONAL topic or a SELF-MOTIVATION issue.

2nd World Countries people are to "relied" on Government take care on them. So why bother self-development? Socialism take care ouf us.

Also, the general desbelief is important. If in 2nd/3rd Wrld Countries is habit and common to rip off... Hard to convice.

I am trying to sell e-books on DIY business stuff, here in my Country,and I amarroving at these conclusions I am sharing.

Maybe it can be done easily with better salesmanship or/and selling out her type of information on DIY business, as the first and basic steps for business, like How To Legally Register a Business.

My thoughts.

GordonJ May 4, 2022 04:34 PM

We'll get there, one day at a time.
Thanks Dien,

I want to lay a foundation. See, I think most would be copywriters don't have one to build on. I know all the gurus of copy and what THEY offer.

But the proof of their failure to teach is found in the tens of thousands of copywriters looking for work.

It doesn't matter what THEY teach.

Two days of writing down, WHAT DO PEOPLE BUY? Everywhere you go, every web site visited, have that pen and notebook handy and write down what you see people buying.

Today, so far, having run to the convenience store for a lottery ticket and a Lil Debbie's snack cake...I saw people buying coffee, snacks, cigarettes (a best seller) beer and wine (this at 10 AM and these people were NOT just getting off work)

As I drove the quarter of a mile, usually I walk, but today is trash day in one area and I'm on the lookout for wood, to build a new game...

I also drove past McDonalds and saw along that one block strip people buying ALL kinds of things; haircuts, tires, oil changes, tacos, beauty supply, drugs (a CVS on the corner)

So, tires. Need or want. More than likely a NEED. So my questions on the following pages are, why did they buy their TIRES there, from that guy, when right down the street there are least 3 other options.

As I DO this exercise along with the group, or if it is just me, I will have in 48 hours seen perhaps hundreds of people buying stuff, and I will list them as a NEED or a WANT.

Then, why there>>>to Mike's point of location, and I'll address his post separately.

Why McDonald's vs Taco Bell?

These would be WANTS. And this will tell me wants are fluid. Of course there are those who eat a Big Mac a day, and their addiction may become a need.

Anyhow, I saw trash men picking up perfectly good furniture, and knowing the BOUGHT this service, either billed by the city or an independent trash collection service. A NEED.

Once we have tons of examples (48 hours) of needs and wants.

We can then go into the Maslow Pyramid and begin to get an idea of what the PREOCCUPATION of the moment might be, so as we can then craft our INTERSECTION and have it say or do all the right things to evoke the response we want.

But before you can BREAK their preoccupation, you have to know those are and the first step on that path is to IDENTIFY what they buy, and if that behavior is a habit, a default, due to location, a preference, and is it a need or a want. All of this to get to know that Avatar before you put him in his igloo and throw flaming rocks to get his attention.

We'll make this fun too. Fair enough?



Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 42841)
Hi Gordon,

This is great stuff...

I would love more insights on how to get into the MIND of your prospect...

What do they really want?

Thanks... :)

- Dien

GordonJ May 4, 2022 04:44 PM

You bring up very valid concerns.
Location is very important.

You have touched upon some differences between countries, although the term 3rd and 2nd world might need some definition these days, I get what you are saying.

And those differences, which are habitual in many countries, for example, some countries still have conscription, forced service in military...our draft ended at the end of the Vietnam war.

Knowing that latter day baby boomers, those born 1957 to 64 did not have to face military service, we can identify a clear break in the generation and this one simple fact, if you undestand it, will allow one to create a very specific generational promotion, and just changing a few words, could vastly increase your response rate...

because you are speaking to them (getting inside their heads as Dien says),

and likewise, if your country has free medical or free college, the state of mind of your target is going to be different than those, say in USA who are still paying off student loans a decade after leaving college.

Knowing the circumstances of your targets, and then creating the right kind of intersection goes a long way to getting results.

Too many copywriters, have learned methods, techniques all kinds of gimmicks and formulas for writing, but they totally lack the foundation of understanding why people buy what and when they do.

This NEW course will remedy that.

Day one and two, What do people buy, Want or Need.

Then we'll go from there.



Originally Posted by MikePT (Post 42843)
Love it.

All what is "back to basics" with something physical away from screens I love it.

When we think what people BUY, what they WANT and NEEDS we need to add to the quation: WHERE?

1st World Countries are not the same as 2nd World Countries and 3rd World Countries.

On a 1st World Country where self-motivation exists, in 2nd World Countries probably not,at least on the professional arena. If it esists is a tiny % of the population. If it is for personal arena as how to lose fat, attract more women, have a more manly beard, mor muscle, etc maybe.

I don't know if the problem is PROFESSIONAL vs PERSONAL topic or a SELF-MOTIVATION issue.

2nd World Countries people are to "relied" on Government take care on them. So why bother self-development? Socialism take care ouf us.

Also, the general desbelief is important. If in 2nd/3rd Wrld Countries is habit and common to rip off... Hard to convice.

I am trying to sell e-books on DIY business stuff, here in my Country,and I amarroving at these conclusions I am sharing.

Maybe it can be done easily with better salesmanship or/and selling out her type of information on DIY business, as the first and basic steps for business, like How To Legally Register a Business.

My thoughts.

MikePT May 4, 2022 05:51 PM

Re: FREE copywriting course, DAYS 1 & 2
"and likewise, if your country has free medical or free college, the state of mind of your target is going to be different than those, say in USA who are still paying off student loans a decade after leaving college. "

Exactly. With all FREE stuff from Government, why the want/need and why the urgency on selling some professional information or services?

With Socialism , ambition, urgency and self responsibility vanishes.

Greed of course doesn't vanish. Maybe greed is the correct appeal instead ambiton.

That's why I study David Ogilvy and he is one of the greats, he had a general vision of Advertising in different Countries and cultures. Drayton Bird is a good study too, both Ogilvy and Drayton are British.

So my experience on selling self indulgent physical products is the easiest to sell,here in my Country.

Question for you Gordon: what self indulgent information products you would consider to sell? I tested "100 Spicy Jokes" e-book and sold. Without profit (that's my current problem on the information products as you know).

The "urgency and pain" type of products... I don't know. Maybe if is only a thing Government cannot provide FREE.

Maybe the "irratonal passion" type of information can work also?

GordonJ May 4, 2022 10:42 PM

Look to the oligarchs. Especially the behind the powers.
I don't know if that is true, about socialism, it is a very broad stroke painting.

I do know there are VERY rich people in China and Russia where several generations grew up under, the rich Asian is such a cliche, they make movies and TV shows about them.

I'm sure Portugal has some very rich people too. Other than line politician's pocket (is it what all oligarchs do, otherwise they're just philanthropists)...

And HOW did they make their money, and what are their workers or minions doing?

I don't believe human ambition disappears in any society, as restrictive as it may be, or as accomodating with services. There ARE people in Portugal starting businesses, some even from home. I have no idea in the world nor a desire to find out, what steps they take to start a business, or make more money. I do not accept the premise ambition and self responsibilty vanishes, there could be a lot of truth to it, in the general sense, but that is where a deeper dive to find the market is needed.

And Greed? How do you define it? I think it is a human instinct to want more, to avoid loss and to gain more, or as animals, to have more pleasure and less pain.

Olgivly and Bird were (are) masters of understanding people, and I don't care who is saying it, but people are BASIC. The fact they live in a society where they are "taken care of" does not negate their basic human wants and needs.

I think you have a huge misconception of urgency and pain. These aren't universal. Take hair loss. A small % of men don't care, but the majority do. And so it becomes a point of pain for them, even more so for a women.

Acne in teens or in adults even, is a very painful condition.

Sure, buying a gold chain or silver bracelet may be self indulgent and a WANT, unless the ego NEEDS it.

If you feel you have tapped out Portugal as far as information products go, why are still pursuing it, why not put that energy and time into selling more trinkets?

You've been beating your head against this wall for a couple of years now, maybe it is time to try something else?

As for self indulgent information, do the women read romance novels, do the guys play games, and if so, what information is being sold to gamers, what cheats? What secrets? Or as from your opinion about your countrymen, we simply must accept the fact that Portugal is a state of satisfied, unmotivated, lazy people who just accept things as they are.

If that is a true picture of your country, then I have nothing else to offer.



Originally Posted by MikePT (Post 42847)
"and likewise, if your country has free medical or free college, the state of mind of your target is going to be different than those, say in USA who are still paying off student loans a decade after leaving college. "

Exactly. With all FREE stuff from Government, why the want/need and why the urgency on selling some professional information or services?

With Socialism , ambition, urgency and self responsibility vanishes.

Greed of course doesn't vanish. Maybe greed is the correct appeal instead ambiton.

That's why I study David Ogilvy and he is one of the greats, he had a general vision of Advertising in different Countries and cultures. Drayton Bird is a good study too, both Ogilvy and Drayton are British.

So my experience on selling self indulgent physical products is the easiest to sell,here in my Country.

Question for you Gordon: what self indulgent information products you would consider to sell? I tested "100 Spicy Jokes" e-book and sold. Without profit (that's my current problem on the information products as you know).

The "urgency and pain" type of products... I don't know. Maybe if is only a thing Government cannot provide FREE.

Maybe the "irratonal passion" type of information can work also?

GordonJ May 4, 2022 10:53 PM

Cigarettes and Beer/Wine. Need or want?
Something to ponder on day two.

Tobacco, alcohol, fast food. Needs or wants?

I have tobacco under need. Beer under both, wine under both.

This generation doesn't remember a time of magazines. Oh sure, there are a few of them left, but nothing like the bookshelves of a Newstand, or Barnes and Nobles or Border's Bookstores when there were hundreds of magazines...

And even fewer remember a time when Cigarette ads and Alcohol ads were seen in these magazines and on TV. The iconic Marlboro man, remember that guy?

Or the most interesting man in the world with his Dos Equis?

Millions of addicts the world over who NEED their fix. No longer a want, now a biological need to function.

So tomorrow we'll take a look at wants and needs and see how BIG corporations and even govt's slant their promotions.

If you remember the pathetic DON'T DO DRUGS campaign, the billion dollar precursor to a nation of opiod addicts...well, we'll look at propaganda too, because most modern advertising is built upon the principles of mass persuasion.

Sex toys, needs or wants? More tomorrow.



Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 42841)
Hi Gordon,
.This is great stuff...

I would love more insights on how to get into the MIND of your prospect...

What do they really want?

Thanks... :)

- Dien

Glenn May 5, 2022 02:57 AM

Pabst Beer-Coffee Is In SUCH Demand 1st Reviewer Couldn't Get a Can
Thanks Gordon,

Some GENIUS put this together.

Add up the # of Beer Drinkers. Then Add up the # of Coffee Drinkers.

FORGET the fact that Beer is a Depressant
Coffee is an Energizer.

AND if you drink much of this it might KILL You.

Reviewer #1 - Is Erudite. Educated.

HATES The Stuff.


But Here is Mr RedNeck who LOVES The Stuff.

HE Pretty much GUARANTEES this new BEER - COFFEE Drink will be a Best Seller.
AS LONG as The # of Heart Attacks is not Tracked too Carefully.

I've been
Buy a few cans

Unsuccessfully. (Seems Pabst did a LIMITED RELEASE. Clever.)

My Plan is to Take a few Cans to LOCAL RESTAURANTS.

And Give them away as Tips for The Wait Staff and Cooks.

(Get Some OPINIONS from the Folks who Count)

to Count the # of LOVERS vs HATERS.


This Guy LOVES The Stuff.


GordonJ May 5, 2022 09:46 AM

May 5, Day two. Early morning drive.
OK, early morning drive when there wasn't traffic, covered about
80% of all businesses in my city. I passed a MARC'S. A store like a smaller Walmart, without the softgoods or big departments, mostly food and drug store items, sort of like a big Walgreens.

Anyhow, I never shop there. Once cashed a lottery ticket there, but even then the store is so claustophobic, I took my dough and ran.

I thought about it. And noted other stores and places of business I don't use or like. Most, of course, are places I have no business at.


In making my list, I see that convenience beats price. I'm just not going to go the Xtra mile to save a few pennies or dollars even, especially with gas prices being so high. Example, with my Amazon Prime I can get my TIDE delivered to my door in a day, and not spend too much more than I would if I ventured into Walmart, that thought almost makes me ill.

Even though it is only a couple of miles, for me, not wanting to drive, not wanting to go into the store, not wanting to DEAL with whatever is inside...ok, the people...

it is easier on me to just have Amazon deliver it. And more and more of those common items are showing up on my doorstep everyday.

I list shampoo, dish soap, laundry soap, floor cleaners, etc., etc as NEEDS, although more than likely some Baking Soda, Vinegar and Bleach or ammonia could replace a lot of the more expensive items.

Laundry soap is a need. TIDE or SA8 (Amway) is a WANT. WHY do I pick out the items I do, in other words,

WHY do I have brand loyalty? What is the motivation behind it?

For today, if you have DONE a list, observing what people buy and whether it is a need or a want...then,

You want to ask WHY?

And a lot of what is on the list will be bought out of ROUTINES and HABITS, I suggest maybe 90% of our spending goes to the same consumables, month after month after month.

Which makes OFFERING a consumable very attractive, right? Even a monthly newsletter (winks at Dien)...

OK. I'm driving around town in the wee morning hours, have the main streets almost all to myself. I was talking into my voice recorder, I find that if I don't do this, I get distracted.

And the next thing I know I'm NOT thinking on task. So talking keeps me focused on the reason I'm doing what I'm doing, make sense?

As I saw other drivers and some early morning EMPLOYEES OR even owners coming in to open their businesses, I asked:

WHAT are these people thinking?

And that brings us to today's point. PREOCCUPATION.

Good copywriting is TARGETED, it breaks a preoccpation, addresses a problem, fear, need or want for a SPECIFIC person or avatar.

It MUST get attention.

The methods, like curiosity, questions, bold statements come only after you know which preoccupation to address, or

HOW TO GET INSIDE OF YOUR AVATAR's MIND, and join the conversation they are already having in their brains.

This takes place at an INTERSECTION you create.

I keep wants and needs inside of a Maslow Pyramid, do a google image search, and also the five basic life needs.

I keep the main preoccupations under the Roy Garn FATAL FOUR, however, I know others who prefer more than these:


And these get divided into any number of subsets, but you will find that most motivations and the methods used will target one of these four preoccupations (PO)

Let us continue the discussion.


P.S. Maslow. Here is an etsy dealer: he sells the pdf, you print it and frame it. Maybe I'll do the SQ1 and actually print and frame them myself, add a lot of wall hanging value. See? Take a common thing and sell it.

And by the way, this etsy seller has 18,483 sales, mostly digital downloads around four bux. Just showin...


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 42840)
Here tis:

You need a notebook. Pen/pencil.

My Discount Drug Mart sells them for .99 cents.

Amazon: 2.09

Day one and two. OBSERVATION. What do people buy?

As you go about your day, even if you don't leave the house, ask yourself and write down your observations of what people buy. On page one have two columns, NEEDS & WANTS.

When out and about, be in AWARENESS MODE, and write down what you see people buy, no matter where or what.

Now a look at a "typical" paycheck, someone at 20 an hour working 40 hours a week.

800 dollars.
210 TAXES, etc.
590 X 4.25 = 2500 rounded off, a month.

Groceries. Rent/Mortage. Utilities. Clothing. Gas.

What is left over, the so-called disposal income is the gold for most marketers...although, the RICH guys do sell food, oil/gas, LOANS, etc., etc.

As you spend the first 48 hours observing what people buy, you will create a list, and these will go on one of the 2 columns, NEED or WANT.

We'll get into the differences later.

We all need food. But some of us shop at Aldi's or Save a Lot and Walmart while others go to Whole Foods and boutique food stores.

These first 2 days are intended to raise your awareness of what people buy, where and how, and even some WHY?

Why Walmart instead of Whole Foods?

See, if you believe that Copywriting is salesmanship in print, as it has been often described...

And the job of the copy WRITER is to get the reader/viewer/listener TO BUY, (or to believe) don't you first have to know;

What people buy?

Let me know if this makes too much sense and you'd rather be dazzled with some amazing inside secrets of the billion dollar companies...


Feel free to respond in the thread, we can cover a lot of territory if you want.


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