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jfstraw November 15, 2008 11:43 AM

The Sky is Falling! -- The Sky is Falling!
Chicken Little got the whole barnyard in a frantic state of panic when he declared, "The Sky is Falling! -- The Sky is Falling!"

Today, the news media, talk-show hosts, and pundits (both Conservative & Liberal) are shouting at the top of their lungs, "The Sky is Falling! -- The Sky is Falling!" feeding a frantic state of panic in the general population -- BUT ...

I've made money under Republicans and Democrats; Liberals and Conservatives ... from Eisenhower to George W. -- Good times and bad ... through times of high inflation, recessions, and depressions. -- I'm sure I'll still make money under Obama.

The wisest words ever spoken were, "This too shall pass."

Unfortunately, most people believe that whatever is happening today will be happening forever. -- My ol'friend, Howard Ruff, wrote a book back in the late 1970s extrapolating the then high inflation rate into the year 2010 ... it was a best seller - but - the high inflation rates, too, passed.

Keep your eyes on tomorrow. You will live through today - and - tomorrow will be what you make it; not what it is today.


P.S. -- All ya gotta do is "Be Prepared."


Who is J.F. (Jim) Straw?

Phil November 15, 2008 12:17 PM

Re: The Sky is Falling! -- The Sky is Falling!

As usual, Great advice!

I'm assuming Google's got the correct Howard Ruff...

Some interesting articles and books to consider checking out... ;) a=


Adman November 15, 2008 12:51 PM

Re: The Sky is Falling! -- The Sky is Falling! major difference; The Gummit has never printed up 800 BILLION (with a B) dolares and GIVEN it to companies that MIS-Managed their these companies could pay MILLIONS (with an M) to their Top Execs as "Reward" along with providing a few Hundred Thousand so they could have "Parties".

And...because NO ONE KNOWS...WHO the Prez Elect REALLY IS (The Press did more "looking under every rock" for the GOP VIP candidate than the Prez Elect)...with a swipe of a pen...he can sign an "Executive Order" to INSTANTLY CHANGE, lots of things in this Country, overnight.

The Gun Shops in Oregon have sold out of AR-15 Automatic Rifles and bullets and other GUNS....the mfgrs can't make em fast enough. These ain't for shooting deer or target practice....they are for WHY the 2nd Amendment was created...."To Protect Ourselves From Da Gummit".

Nope....our country has been thru rough times before....but it was NOT being run by a "Gang of Socialists" intent on their "POWER" and NOT what's good for the country.

Don Alm....getting prepared for our country being taken over "FROM THE INSIDE!"

Adman November 15, 2008 01:00 PM

Re: The Sky is Falling! -- The Sky is Falling! neighbor had to take his young son to the Emergency Room at midnight , one evening this week.

He had to wait in line while 20 "Hispanics" (aka "Illegals") were being treated for "minor" items AT NO CHARGE.

We already have "FREE HEALTH CARE" in this country. The Emergency Rooms are being used as "Doctor's Offices". Many have shut down.

So...even with GREAT insurance which is all paid up....something happens to your body where YOU need Emergency Care....RIGHT NOW...or YOU will die. You could have a matter HOW MUCH dough you have.

Doanldo Hispanicville

Pete Egeler November 15, 2008 01:18 PM

Just wondering, Alm..
Why don't your spout your "cutsie" crap on the other forums you belong to?

You seem to be able to speak in perfectly acceptable English there, and I notice you seen to feel the urge to slam everything either.

Why is this forum different?


Ankesh November 15, 2008 03:16 PM

Re: The Sky is Falling! -- The Sky is Falling!

He had to wait in line while 20 "Hispanics" (aka "Illegals") were being treated for "minor" items AT NO CHARGE.

I recently read Grapes of Wrath by John Steinback. The book describes how when thousands of people were moving from Oklahoma to California in droves, people who already lived in California hated it and treated folks from Oklahoma very very poorly.

I recently also saw a video of how in South Korea - a few thousand people were protesting on the streets. You know what they were protesting? They were *against* free trade.

Very recently (about a week or 2 back) - a political party in Mumbai (Maharashtra) went and disrupted an exam hall. Why? Because a few North Indians were giving an exam for government jobs in Mumbai (West India).

I've always found it amazing how some folks demand restrictions on the movement of goods and people.

MichaelRoss November 15, 2008 05:09 PM

What? No Triage?

"my neighbor had to take his young son to the Emergency Room at midnight

He had to wait in line while 20 "Hispanics" (aka "Illegals") were being treated for "minor" items AT NO CHARGE.

So... even with GREAT insurance which is all paid up....something happens to your body where YOU need Emergency Care....RIGHT NOW...or YOU will die. You could have a problemo"

What? Don't hospitals practice Triage anymore? I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you. That triage has gone out the window. That someone with a lopped off limb and blood gushing out everywhere would need to wait for hours while a Hispanic is treated for a pimple. Oh Em gee. The humanity of it all... /s

Interesting, that based on a person's skin color, your neighbor was able to know, for 100% certainty, that Those people were Illegals. (You're not making this up, are you Don?)

I've heard this crap since as long as I can remember. If it ain't the Wogs coming to take jobs, it's the Poles, Ruskies, Serbs, Cro-ats, Chinks, Chongs, Gooks, Pakies and other names.

Oh. Can't find a cab not driven by a Pakie. Um. Is it the Pakie's fault or your precious whitey's not wanting to do those jobs?

I KNOW it's the later. As I see it here daily. Precious whitey sits on his ass not wanting to get off it otherwise he might miss an episode of Springer. Forget trying to get ahead. Easier to sit on the sofa, suck on a fag and suck down cones while drinking beer and eating pizza and then Whine and Complain about all Those people taking the jobs.

You seem to forget your history Don. In 1820 the population of the USA was around 1 million. At the start of the civil war the population of the USA was what... 33 million. It's now something like 300 million. Surely those 1 million didn't breed to create 33 million in only forty years? And surely those 33 mil didn't breed like rabbits to now create those 300 million. Think there might be some Immigration coming into it. People coming to the USA for a Better life?

Maybe, the US Gummit shoulda prevented such spicks, chinks, slavs and the like from coming over. Maybe YOU might want to get something going like the Candle Maker's Petition to put a stop to this "people coming to America" thing -

Instead of bitching and moaning about it, why don't you damn well move to somewhere where you aren't surrounded by those who you deem Undesirable? Your sanity will be better for it. (Maybe you should stop reading the paper and listening to the radio and getting any news at all - for your sanity Don.)

Of course, if you choose to stay in your despicable area being overrun by Foreigners taking YOUR health care away while blood flows from you copiously and you almost die right in front of medical staff, instead of moving, then you only have yourself to blame, right? Because you are choosing to subject yourself to the conditions you don't like. And that, in the words of Butthead, is Dumbass.

Michael Ross

Todd November 15, 2008 11:55 PM

Re: The Sky is Falling! -- The Sky is Falling!
A lot of illegals are going back to Mexico from here if it makes ya feel any better. Between Sheriff Joe actually enforcing the law (which illegals seem to have a problem with for some reason), and the lack of jobs, I think they feel better off south of the border.

Just don't try to sneak in from this side and try to protest for equal rights down there - I hear Mexican prisons are pretty nasty.

I find it more interesting that Obama wins 52% of the popular vote, and it's a landslide victory, while prop 8 in Cali wins with 52% and it's considered a marginal victory that is immediately thrown into court to be overturned. So much for the will of the people.

The sky may not be falling, but it sure looks like it's getting much lower at a much faster rate!

jfstraw November 17, 2008 08:37 AM

Didn't I told ya so ...
Today, the news media, talk-show hosts, and pundits (both Conservative & Liberal) are shouting at the top of their lungs, "The Sky is Falling! -- The Sky is Falling!" feeding a frantic state of panic in the general population.


MichaelRoss November 17, 2008 01:37 PM

Re: Didn't I told ya so ...
We get it down here in Australia as well, Jim. "The Global Financial Crisis" is bandied about as if it's all a foregone conclusion. And people are starting to believe it.

A fellow at work had Planned to go overseas in December. But he tells me, now he'll wait until next year to see how this Financial Crisis goes before flying out. He's working something like 60 hours a week... but concerned this Crisis he Hears about but doesn't experience anything of, will somehow stop his vacation.

Damn. Just as the media stopped calling it Global Warming and now all say Climate Change (now there's a generic term for ya), they have a new hobgoblin to present... Global Financial Crisis - film at 11.

What should we do?

Not What should we do... but Should we do anything?

My answer... No. it will all work itself out in one way or another anyway. As it has always done. Next hobgoblin please...

Michael Ross

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