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Old January 7, 2007, 09:05 PM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default "Sales 101" cont'd...

For the "99 percent" of viewers here who have never "sold" anything BUT, who might have to or want some point in their lives....I'd like to tell you about 2 techniques I've used to close most of my sales.

Ankesh's Newsletter today, reminded me of this. Ankesh relates a Sales Technique taught by the great "Elmer Wheeler" (of "Sell the Sizzle, Not the Steak" fame) An author who was my first "Sales Mentor".

Elmer tells how a Waiter boosted the Tabs of his customers (and thereby his Tips) by....instead of asking; "Would you folks care for any wine this evening?" (which gives diners a choice between "something" and "nothing"... and they often choose "nothing")...he'd say;

"Would you folks like Red or White Wine with your meal""

Now, do you see the difference? This gives diners a choice between "something" and "something else". "Nothing" is NOT a choice! Granted, the waiter will still get diners who say, "No Wine for me!" HOWEVER, a far greater percentage of diners WILL opt for one of the 2 choices presented....thereby upping the Tabs...and...upping the Tips.

When my son got a job as a waiter in a Mexican Restaurant, during his college days. The reason why I KNEW he would find a career in "Sales" and SUCCEED with it, he told me the restaurant had "Super Margaritas" and instead of asking diners, "Would you care for a Margarita?" (Which most other waitpersons asked and the response was mediocre)....he said, "Would you like a Regular Margarita or our Specialty "SUPER Margarita"?

Simple offering a choice between "something and something" he upped his Tabs considerably AND his Tips. (Super Margaritas added $4 to the tab)

I call this technique, "The WHICH-PITCH!"

I ALWAYS give my prospects a CHOICE between "something" and "something else". I never offer a choice of "nothing". Too often the prospects will choose "nothing".

Also...within THIS technique is another "Sales Technique" called, "ASSUME THE SALE!"

"ASSUME" they will be ordering "A" Margarita!

I give my prospects a choice AND...immediately begin "Writing Up The Order" by writing in my prospects name. Granted...sometimes MY prospects say, "Hey! I never said I was going ahead with this!"

I'd then stop writing...ask my prospect what the "problem" is....answer the objection and continue writing.

Works for me!

So....when "selling ANYTHING"....remember to "Give Them A CHOICE between "Something" and "Something Else".

Thanks for reading...class dismissed,

Don Alm....SalesMan Personified

Some of my Unique Business Programs

Last edited by GordonJ : January 17, 2007 at 09:07 AM.
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