Originally Posted by Capt Charley
Kelly. I did something like this for years. I always got a contract
from the "seller" that spelled out my commission or finder's fee, or
my cost . Don Alm has more detailed info that might be helpful.
There are plenty of other details, but this contract is paramount.
Both the "buyer" and the "seller" are going to be tempted to by-
pass you.
In fact don't be surprised if either of the parties asks you to take
less than your contract stipulates if the deal gets up in a few
Capt Charley
Hi Kelly and Capt Charley,
Jim Straw has a "Finder's Fees" report which gives more details on how to do something like this, plus a sample contract... You can find it at
http://www.businesslyceum.com/mdl.html. (His report is more about doing "finder's fee" deals related to physical products, but I think the principle is probably the same... You can email Jim Straw directly and ask if his report would be helpful for what you want to do... If you do, let him know you found out about it here!

To my understanding, as Capt Charley says, the contract is critical. Otherwise, once they know the other person, they can easily bypass you (and pay you nothing). So you have to make at least one of the parties legally required to pay you (via a contract) if a deal results...
Best of luck with it!
- Dien