Re: Where are you on your journey to getting your Toll Position
I don't know if Wal-Mart has open hours but people can submit a product to QVC via e-mail.
I have submitted two of my products, the CORDGRIP and the Ball Tender.
But it will take 6 weeks to hear anything.
I agree with you on the giveaway idea.
I am a student of E Joseph Cossman. I own everything he has ever produced including his course in a briefcase which I bought only about 6 months ago even though it has been off the market for years.
I have learned so much from Mr. Cossman, I which he were still with us so I could thank him.
Even though I am by no means a master, just a guy trying to finally make it after years of struggle and hard work,if anyone needs any help or advice I am willing to talk to people who are REALLY trying to get their own Toll Positions going.