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Old July 23, 2021, 02:12 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
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Default More on not getting in a rut...

Hi Gordon,

Here's another "riff" on this topic...

For about 10 years, I've been studying the works of Gary Gagliardi, and his exposition of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"...

(I only mention it now, because only in the last couple of weeks has his approach finally "clicked" for me...)

Why him, and not one of the other dozens of "explainers" of Sun Tzu?

It's because in 1983, Gagliardi created what became an Inc. 500 company, FourGen Software, and (at the time) said he used Sun Tzu's famous book to help him do it! So he's "walked the walk" as far as business is concerned...

Gagliardi's view (and interpretation of Sun Tzu) is that you should always be moving your "position"... He uses the concept of "position" I think in a similar way to Al Ries and Jack Trout in their classic book "Positioning" (1981) - that is, your "position" in business is the mental "position" you hold in the minds of your prospects and customers...

In business, that's the analog of your "position" to your "position" in military strategy...

So, like in war, you're always moving to get closer to your goal. It's not enough to always stay in one "position"... no matter how "easy" that may be to do!

Best wishes,


Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

Great insights on Ben vs. Harvey...!

I think with Ben... he was a visionary... But sometimes it can be hard to do something new, when your "old" stuff still works (to some degree)... It's easier to keep doing the same thing...

It happens in scientific research, too. That's why (Nobel prizewinner) Richard Feynman used to force himself to keep working out new things out from "first principles"... Rather than resting on his laurels...

It's one reason he was such a genius...

Going off on a tangent... Elon Musk is one who touts "first principles" thinking - which he learned from physics - in business...

Something to explore...

Also... I'll take your Todd Rundgren and raise you one Bachman Turner Overdrive!

Takin' care of business!

Best wishes!

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