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Old August 1, 2021, 10:14 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Profiting from celebrities...

Hi Glenn,

It just occurred to me that Rick uses another one of your principles...

That is he often mentions celebrities - in which I'm also including famous bands...

I saw in one of his videos how he actually says he doesn't mind being "demonetized" for using their music... (He says you can't teach music without using well-known songs!)

For example, when he analyzes a famous hit song, he has to play the song, obviously, and his video can get "demonetized" for that by YouTube...

Being demonetized by YouTube means that either ads are cut out from his video so he doesn't get any ad revenue, or the ad stays there and the ad revenue then goes to the artist whose song he's playing.

So, for example, if he's analyzing a song by Justin Bieber and he gets demonetized, that means... Because of playing copyrighted material in the video, the money from the ad revenue would then go to whoever owns the rights to Justin Bieber songs... That would be a combination of the performer, the songwriters and also the publisher of the song.

(Ironically, his video on Justin Bieber I watched was about how Justin Bieber had plagiarized the band Toto!)

However, undoubtedly using famous songs and famous artists will get him traffic on YouTube - because people want to hear about their favorite artists!

And he has other ways to make money apart from ad revenue... such as from his membership club and also from his various courses and books/reports he sells...

I don't know what percentage of his money comes from the ads, but while he loses some money there, he makes more money from other ways... So, "piggybacking" on interest in celebrities is probably a good deal for him!

And of course, many people who watch a demonetized video are going to watch other videos, too, which have not been demonetized...

I think he's an interesting example of making money (in part) from celebrities!

Best wishes,


Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Thanks Dien,

My Opinion.

He Only Plays, Discusses and Explains TOP HITS.

So people who ALREADY LOVE those tunes - visit to learn more.

Plus he writes great headlines.


P.S. - Cranking up your Enthusiasm BEFORE You Create anything is a must.

Ted Nicholas said he used to lock his office door. Dance around yelling, "I am a GREAT Copywriter" before he started writing a sales letter.

Rick probably does something similar.
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