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Old January 20, 2023, 12:57 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Thanks Millard for sharing your example!

Hi Millard,

Thanks for sharing your "bartering for meat" experience!

It makes sense... You can make more "sales" by being willing to barter your products and services with other businesses...

It's also good for them. The reason why is, for example, $100 "worth" of meat is worth $100 to you (assuming you're a meat eater)! But... it's only "worth" (say) $50 to them (or whatever their wholesale cost is)... So while you're getting the full value of the meat, they're getting an effective discount on your services (as it is like they are getting $100 of your services, for $50)...

We should all do it more! Though it's more complicated, because it involves a negotiation...

However, it's one of those things that could be ongoing... Negotiate once, and keep benefiting forever...

Thanks Millard!

Best wishes,


Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post

Finding this meat company was really by accident. I wasn't searching for a meat company or anyone at the time.

I saw a sign in front of his office (He really didn't have a store.. just a building) and thought I need to check this place out.

After going in and talking with the owner about what kinds of meats he offered, I suggested he do a few things to create more business.

The owner was so impressed that he wanted to have me help him build his business. We came to an agreement right there for a "boatload" of meat for me creating a few ads and auditing his business.

I think the take-away is that he and I got along personally... he wanted more business... I showed him that I knew what I was doing... and I asked him if he wanted my help.
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