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Old January 23, 2023, 06:36 AM
Millard Grubb Millard Grubb is offline
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Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Millard,

Thanks for sharing your "bartering for meat" experience!

It makes sense... You can make more "sales" by being willing to barter your products and services with other businesses...

It's also good for them. The reason why is, for example, $100 "worth" of meat is worth $100 to you (assuming you're a meat eater)! But... it's only "worth" (say) $50 to them (or whatever their wholesale cost is)... So while you're getting the full value of the meat, they're getting an effective discount on your services (as it is like they are getting $100 of your services, for $50)...

We should all do it more! Though it's more complicated, because it involves a negotiation...

However, it's one of those things that could be ongoing... Negotiate once, and keep benefiting forever...

Thanks Millard!

Best wishes,



I forgot a simple trade I made a few years ago that saved me a lot of work and sweat.

Once a week my lawn mower guy came by and mowed the grass. In my area depending on the size of the lawn fees are $20 to $40 dollars. After talking with him we decided that I would create an ad for him and he would mow our grass for a whole season. Let's just say he mowed our yard for 20 weeks.

It took me about a half hour to make the ad he received.

He was happy... I was happy.

Again trading for everything is possible.
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