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Old May 20, 2023, 11:50 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,493
Default Good ol Bob is going the tested and time proven route.

Thank goodness for archives.

Robert Cialdini, best selling author, Professor and as of this morning's zoom CALL, it was not good for me, zoom that is, the Prof was great, followed the pitch to the letter, he has learned from the best of them.

And what is it now?

As I talked about in 1987's secret Online Offer, HOW TO START A CULT FOR FUN AND PROFIT, and then in 1997 as it looked on www

With Bill Myers being a pioneer in subscription web sites.

You will find in the early days of our archives, where I talk about how the best business in the world, from one perspective is...

the CERTIFICATION. Even I considered it with the GJA SQ1, but after dealing with several people, I felt it would not work for me and the square one.

But it was working like gang busters back then, PRE Internet, Early days of the Net, and now, today, right now as Prof. Bob is offering a CERTIFICATION program, where you get to coach people in all things Cialdini INFLUENCE.

I wonder what took him so long?

I think it will be the next big thing as NLP, and all the other things are.

Listen, there are all kinds of ideas out there, and many SowPubbers have the knowledge, skills and experience to be offering CERTIFICATIONS for what they do.

Maybe, I will begin to certify those who can pass a competency test (and pay the annual renewal fee) for the INFLUENCER TOOL KIT.

MASTER the tool kit, and then offer your expertise to others.

Get it. Master it. We'll talk about your CERTIFICATION. eh?



Last edited by GordonJ : May 20, 2023 at 02:08 PM.
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