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Old June 1, 2023, 01:30 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default If you have a creative bone in your body, I think this is good...

What are some of the new opportunities as an "information publisher" ... ?

I think AI opens up your opportunities... For those with imagination...

For example, let's say you always wanted to create your own comics...

There was a "barrier" to entry before...

To create a comic, it helped if you could draw!

But now, AI can help create the drawings for you... You don't need to be able to draw any more! If you can conceive of the comic in your imagination, AI can help you to create it...

We're coming to the stage where it will be the same for video.

If you can conceive of it, AI can help create your video for you... No need to hire actors, and so on, to see your vision come to life...

Will writers still be needed? I think for the more "rote" stuff, probably not.

For example, Blinkist is a company that makes a lot of money selling summaries of books.

AI can now summarize a book chapter for you in seconds... I'm sure that Blinkist can see the writing on the wall...

But for truly creative stuff, I think writers will still be needed...

The key, as I see it, is that CREATIVITY and IMAGINATION will become empowered...

So if you're a CREATIVE being, then I think the possibilities just got larger!

Best wishes,


Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

A part of me misses those early days of the 'net !

It was an exciting time... A feeling of possibilities...

Google sprung up, and they proclaimed the official motto and code of conduct, "Don't be evil."

Google went on to remove "Don't be evil" from their code of conduct in 2018 - maybe a sign of the times...

Of course there are still possibilities. I still see HUGE opportunities... Good, ethical opportunities!

Yes, AI provides opportunities... Not just in using AI, but in helping those who will be negatively affected by AI...

I'm juggling a few too many things right now - including an incredibly curious and exploratory toddler (as a relatively new Dad)... But the opportunities are truly exploding...!

Best wishes,

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