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Old April 17, 2024, 10:20 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 3,415
Default The black dog comes for some...

Hi Gordon,

I remember Mike McGroarty! He sold plants I think...

This seems to be his website nowadays...

I remember he used (with your permission) your "Dumb Ol' Dirt Farmer" alter ego...

I didn't know about his son Duston McGroarty...

Anyway, I found Duston's website, and signed up for his free newsletter...

Unfortunately, I didn't receive anything... Which I was surprised about... Not even an email acknowledging that I had signed up... I did some more digging...

And I found this post... Which is an email he sent to his customers, which says (in part)...
"This email has been a long time coming. Sorry it took me so long to send this to you.

"I've been suffering from major depression since late June (2023). Many days I couldn't find the will to get out of bed. Why? I don't know why. That's what sucks about this disease."
Depression is no joke... I had some serious depression earlier in my life (late teens - early twenties)...

So I hope and pray Duston is okay and is able to recover... It's not easy. I also lost a good friend to depression about 25 years ago...

Duston's message is here...

In my case, I found that spirituality helped with the depression... As well as what they call cognitive therapy, which I read about and applied to myself...

If anyone here suffers from depression, feel free to reach out...

Best wishes,


Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
I think it has been 25 years since I sat in Mike McGroarty's kitchen eating homemade cookies and doing a guerrilla video with Mike about online info publishing. Wow, it feels like yesterday.

Back then, Mike's boys were I think watching TV or playing somewhere else.

So, today was the closing day for Duston McGroarty's The Info Publishing 3.0 8-Week Coaching Program he offered for $1,995.00.

The 3.0 part, from what I can tell from the promotions is AI as a tool to generate your info content. Seems we have finally achieved Ben Suarez' 1993 vision of selling electrons, one day generated by a computer.

Duston shows in his promotions the COMPILATION style of info, citing Jerry Baker as one example, gardeners may recognize the name.

Anyhow, point is.

Since I wrote the NPGS UPDATE HOTLINE newsletter for SCI, which was just one of our INFO products, and over the last 3 decades have sold thousands of specialty reports, hotsheets, and newsletters (and so has Dien Rice)...I just want to point out...

Of all the money making ideas anyone has ever presented here...for someone who doesn't want to go out and sell or influence, or have meetings, sales presentations, lunch and dinner business meetings...

The Joe Karbo LAZY MAN'S way has proven unbeatable for online money making venture and my concept of Stored Value, has also proven time and time again, that information is one of the fastest, easiest, evergreen money making opportunities there is...

with one caveat...

MOST, will muck it up by overthinking, over complicating things and being perfectionists or abashed about their marketing. OK then, sorry for you if it applies.

It is great to see a "kid" who heeded Dad's example, and has carved out his own empire online.

Somewhere there is a young kid who is learning how to make AI do all of the work, and when he figures it out, his future INFO publishing empire will be working for him too.

Newsletters. Reports. HOTSHEETS. Nothing new. Except the 3.0, 4.0 and down the road the 11.0 versions of it.

As SowPub winds down, maybe the archives will be a legacy go to information center on how to create and sell the stored value you have in your brains.

Oh, and I don't feel the least bit sorry for those of you that haven't gotten around to it, just yet. Oh well...

On to the lottery, where dreams never die...and where at Lucky Al's, we meet at the corner of Math and Magic Streets.

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