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Old February 9, 2025, 09:23 AM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
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Default ENTREPRENEUR Bob Morrison Did Something which will HELP U Mike

Thanks Mike,

Bob Wrote a book and Tested 100's of Titles.

Started selling like HOT CAKES with this headline.

"Why SOB's Succeed & Nice
Folks Fail in Business"

(EDITORS NOTE - Back When I worked a job. I Bought cases of Bob's books. Put ONE on My Desk. Sold them 1 at a time for 25 Bucks.)

Then Bob chatted with a few of his Book buyers.

Then Asked Questions of More and more.

Discovered something INSANE.

90% of his book buyers Glanced at the cover. then PUT HIS BOOK on The Shelf.

A Single page!


Bob had an idea.

He Broke his book Chapters into EXECUTIVE REPORTS.


And sold All of of his several Hundred Thousand Book Buyers
The Special reports.

Info They ALREADY Had bought in his book!

On The ONE HAND - some folks might think this a bit SHADY.


If you can get People to TAKE ACTION with a Short Report.

You have Helped them a Lot.


(YOU MIGHT Wanna Check with some of your Buyers.)




What if - it DOES NOT MATTER if Your Group HAS READ your Reports.

IF You Write a Questionnaire/BONUS.

Asking, "Which ideas from my Reports are your FAVORITES?"

(EDITORS NOTE - Follow The Pres. Trump Marketing Formula. Multiple choice Questions. To Get a Sample of What voters Want.)

You Might hit a Home Run.


P.S. - USA Singer Kenny Rogers had a Genius Manager, Ken Kragan, who got 25%.

(Turned Kenny's "The Gambler" hit song. Into a series of best selling movies.)

After ASKING Their List
Which is Your FAVE Song.

They put together a ONE OF a KIND Album of all of Kenny's

(EDITORS NOTE - Never Done Before. Cuz record Execs NEVER talk to Fans.)

From Feedback from Fans
who answered their Questionaires
and Opinion Polls.

Put ads on Country Radio stations.

Literally sold Millions of Albums.
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