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Old April 29, 2015, 05:33 PM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default "Secret" Niche that pays $15,000 + per Mo!

Wow! One of my "students" I "talked into" getting into Video Marketing at the first of THIS Year (4 MOS AGO)....with a "CERTAIN" Niche where each Biz is willing to Pay....$1.500 A MONTH.....MINIMUM for Leads...... just told me she hit $15,000 A MONTH from just SIX.....I repeat....SIX (6) clients!

She averages $2,500 A MONTH from each of these SIX (6) clients that she provides Leads for!....AND.....SHE SPENDS VERY LITTLE TIME WITH because..... the Videos do ALL the "Work" for her!

So.....she can spend MOST of her time.....raising her 3 youngsters.....since her hubby was killed in a "work" accident a year ago.

BackGround: After she lost her husband, she contacted me asking if I knew of any "Low-Investment-Work-From-Home" ways to earn money. I then helped her get into the "Patient-Reminder" biz (Getting Doctors, Dentists, Clinics, Auto Repair Shops, Chiropractors...etc....any biz that sets "Appointments" for their Customers/Clients/Patients.

Well....operating from her home (while attending to the needs of her 3 young ones) she was able to get (by Phone) to convince TWENTY (20) local biz (see above biz list) pay her $25/day to "Verify Appointments"!

20 x $25/day = $500/day x 5 days a week = $2,500 A WEEK!!!!!!

You STILL with me? It gets better! forward to TODAY.....April 29. 2015 Even though my "student" was earning $2,500 A WEEK...Affirming Appointments for 20 biznesses , at Christmas last year (2014) she told me she was very appreciative of what I had helped her with BUT......she "wondered" if there was "something else",

Some other way she could turn her "Talents & Expertise" to a different kind of "Money-Maker"!

So.....I told her about the BEST.....MOST PROFITABLE & EASIEST .....way to make a LOT of MOOLAH...that I knew.....was to .....(GET READY, HERE COMES THE "SECRET" NICHE)......"PROVIDE LEADS FOR COSMETIC SURGEONS"!

YOU who are viewing.....Make Note of what I'm about to say;

COSMETIC SURGEONS......(also, those who provide BOTOX, who may NOT be Cosmetic Surgeons....a local EYE Doctor in my town also provides Botox)'s a few tidbits about THIS Niche;
Cosmetic Surgeons - do NOT know BEANS about Marketing or How To Get Patients...etc. The Charge for a simple BOTOX injection is ovwr $2,000! etc

The MIMIMUM fee to have ANYTHING.....COSMETICALLY $2,000!

AND.....these "patients".....come back for additional Treatments!

Thus.....when I made a "Video Commercial" for "Cosmetic Surgeons" (including a special Video on BOTOX)......I showed my "student" how to .....
Get the Video Ranked (for the Keyword/s).....How to MAKE SURE the Surgeon she chose KNEW that .....the "Lead Calls" coming into HIS OFFICE were from "HER"! was "convincingly enough" for her to Land SIX "Cosmetic Surgeons"....willingly and SURELY ABLE TO PAY HER......NOW....after 3 months of "PROOF".......$2,500 EACH AND EVERY MONTH!!!

PLUS......the really NEAT thing about THIS Niche is......(Book Mark the following) do NOT have to deal with the "Doctor"!

Yup....these Surgeons (also including any other "Doctor" categories)

So......thanks for reading and.....just to remind you; "Money-Making Posibilities are ALL AROUND YOU!

Don Alm.....celebrating

Last edited by Don Alm : April 29, 2015 at 06:20 PM.
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Old April 29, 2015, 06:35 PM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: "Secret" Niche that pays $15,000 + per Mo!

Excuse me.....I just Googled; "Botox Portland OR"....."Botox Sealltle"...."Botox Denver" and......500.000 results BUT.......NO Thumbnails (A Thumbnail is a Full Color thingee that Motivates Searchers to "CLICK" on because it appears that there might be a VIDEO behind it)....!

Now.....what IF I were to put a Full Color Thumbnail on the 1st Page of rany of these YOU think I'd get MORE click thrus than any of the other "Text" urls?

Do YOU think I could get a biz ,for that Pay ME to have THEIR website be THE ONE that these Viewers are hunting for?

Don Alm
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Old April 29, 2015, 07:33 PM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What Are Thumbnails?

Someone just emailed me and asked "WHAT are Thumbnails"?

Instead of trying to describe.....let's say you live in the Las Vegas NV area and would like to find a local "Roofer" and...rather than trying to find your local Yellow Pages PRINTED go to what you do GOOGLE "Las Vegas Roofer" and.....WHALA.....up comes THIS;

Wow....pretend that you are a Home Owner and discover there's a WATER LEAK in your attic.

You see the water coming in from a hole in your run downstairs and hunt for one of the Yellow Page Books......and.....because you are USED TO "Googling" you either enter "Las Vegas Roofer" on your cell or PC and..... up comes a page of TEXT......AND..... there is ONE ......Full Color thingee that is DIFFERENT than the other TEXT Natural Impulse is to "Click On the Full Color Thingee"!

THIS is why MarK Helton still receives a HANDSOME payment....every month .... since 2011.....from this roofer.

AND.....Google...."TAMPA WINDOWS" and see what comes up! Well.....this is now (2015) on Page 2 ......however.....Mark and his customer have enjoyed GOOD success since 2011.

Anyways.....this gives you an idea of what "Thumbnails" are about and How they can HELP you get biznesses to pay YOU for your service.

Don Alm......long-time Service-Guy
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Old April 29, 2015, 10:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: "Secret" Niche that pays $15,000 + per Mo!

Don I was so puzzled by your results, I was
actually going to start a thread.
"What is Don Alms Secret?"
You might wonder what secret
I am talking about. Well I do searches
for chicago roofer or boston plumber
or denver lawyer and I NEVER see videos
show up, at least on the first page.
The only videos I see on the first page for
professions like these are the ones you
or you friends did! Now there are plenty
of videos on youtube in the categories
I mentioned but they are not showing up
on google. So what is the deal?

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Old April 30, 2015, 12:55 AM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: "Secret" Niche that pays $15,000 + per Mo!

Hey Trevor......the "DEAL" is......this is WIDE OPEN! Do YOU think that if YOU.....were to Rank a Video for the KeyWord, "Tacoma Roofer" or "Toledo Roofer" or whatever Town Roofer....that YOU would NOT find a Roofer in that area who would NOT be willing to pay YOU at least $500 A MONTH for the LEAD CALLS coming in?

I'm sorry....your comment tells me a few things;

(Well I do searches for chicago roofer or boston plumber or denver lawyer and I NEVER see videos show up, at least on the first page)

THIS......tells me that;

1) You think the examples I showed are FALSE
2) You think this "Video Ranking" stuff is ALL "Bogus Crapola"

Well... I got news fer ya Trevor.....MOST of the projects I've started either had great many competitors or very few.....and....just because you don't see examples of what I'm referring to in.... Chicago, Boston or Denver....does NOT mean this is a "Bummer" or Horse-Crap" program!

YOU sound like people I've come across my ENTIRE LIFE of Entroopeneerism!

"Hey Don....starting up a Burglar Alarm biz in Evanston, IL is .....STUPID! There's TEN biz ALREADY there....they've been there for years and there's NO WAY......YOU....can get any business there!!!!!!!!!"

Ya Right!

"Hey Don....."getting restaurants to pay YOU to send "Daily Special" faxes to local offices...will NOT work!!!!!

"Hey Don.....Car Dealers will NEVER pay for your Car Buyer Calendar Magnets .....!!!!

"Hey Don.....home buyers will NOT put your "Welcome Magnets" on their refrigerators!!"

"Hey will NOT let you put anything in their rooms!" (TV Channel Guides WITH Ads on them are READILY accepted by ANY Hotel)

"Hey Don.....local consumers will NEVER put your Bumper Stickers on their vehicles!" (my Bumper Bucks promo program)

"Hey Don.....biznesses will NEVER Pay to have an Ad on a Board on the wall above URINALS! You Kiddin' Me!

Thus.....your reaction to NOT seeing a "Thumbnail" for the KeyWords you chose says to YOU....this is NOT a viable thingee! However, this says to people like me....."Hey! THIS area is WIDE OPEN! I'll betya I could get a Video Thumbnail Ranked on Page 1 for EACH of these Keywords!!!

So.....I don't know your biz experience BUT.....I think you should WAIT before you decide to start any kind of money-making venture until you crossover in to the arena of "Possibility"thinking.

ALL of us who have succeeded have had our share of Failures (Ya Never know unless ya tries!)

I call it....."FAILING Forward!" So.....go out an git yer feet wet! START SUMPTHIN!

Don Alm....starter of MANY projects
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Old April 30, 2015, 01:26 AM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: "Secret" Niche that pays $15,000 + per Mo!

Originally Posted by teamplayer View Post
Don I was so puzzled by your results, I was
actually going to start a thread.
"What is Don Alms Secret?"
You might wonder what secret
I am talking about. Well I do searches
for chicago roofer or boston plumber
or denver lawyer and I NEVER see videos
show up, at least on the first page.
The only videos I see on the first page for
professions like these are the ones you
or you friends did! Now there are plenty
of videos on youtube in the categories
I mentioned but they are not showing up
on google. So what is the deal?


Hey! You got my "Mojo" workin'! I just checked "Cosmetic Dentist (Chicago, Denver, Boston) and guess what..... NO Thumbnails leading to Promo Videos so......guess what I'm gonna give a tryfor!

Reminds me of my first J.O.B. One new sales guy came in and reported; "Yup! No business out there in the Rural Boonies!" An hour later another new sales guy comes in and reports: "Wow! The Rural Boonies are LOADED with business.....potential up the ying-yang!"

Thus....."attitude" isa very important factor!

Don Alm.... long-time possibility-thinker
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Old April 30, 2015, 01:42 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 3,419
Default What's the right mindset...?

Originally Posted by Don Alm View Post
Reminds me of my first J.O.B. One new sales guy came in and reported; "Yup! No business out there in the Rural Boonies!" An hour later another new sales guy comes in and reports: "Wow! The Rural Boonies are LOADED with business.....potential up the ying-yang!"

Thus....."attitude" isa very important factor!
Hi Don,

That reminds me of something I was discussing with a friend about a month ago.

We were talking about changing business conditions. Or any kind of change. Whether it's technological change, economic change, social change...

In response to these things, what would most people's reactions be?

Most people react like this... "Oh no! Everything’s a disaster! Everything’s changing! We'll be ruined!"

However, another response is... "Man! Look at all the opportunities!"

(Since every change always brings about new opportunities!)

As you say, it's all about your mindset... your attitude!

Best wishes!

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Old April 30, 2015, 05:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: "Secret" Niche that pays $15,000 + per Mo!

Hey Don,
You misunderstood me, I know your results are real, the evidence is right there
when you search on youtube. What I am asking is HOW you did it.
If you look on on youtube you will see lots of videos for roofers and so forth
but on the first page of google, nothing. I think you did a Heck of a good job
getting your videos ranked but I wonder why there are are so few others who
get on the first page. You say the territory is wide open but the videos are
there on youtube in huge quantity. They are just not showing up on first pg.
Let me say again, you did a great job
getting your videos ranked and clearly you have a lot of experience with it.
I not critical at all. Just wondering why others don't have your mojo.
Are there techniques you teach your students?


Last edited by teamplayer : April 30, 2015 at 06:00 AM. Reason: sentences not structured well
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Old April 30, 2015, 06:19 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: "Secret" Niche that pays $15,000 + per Mo!

Don, I just did a search in various cities like Chicago, etc and I DID find a video that got ranked under Boston Roofer. It is about number four on the page.
So someone did get results! But google seems to be very selective about
when it lets a video like that show up.

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Old April 30, 2015, 08:41 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: "Secret" Niche that pays $15,000 + per Mo!

Trevor, there is NOTHING wrong with your question. It is perfectly valid. If anything, NOBODY asks enough questions. And you should feel free to ask one without feeling like you're attacking someone.

I've been on this board for over a decade. One thing people don't do is ask enough questions. There is A LOT of junk info out there. NOT saying Don offers junk info, but many do. AND a lot of come into our lives through email, too.

It's great to do a video and place it on good ol' page one of Google. Here's the thing nobody offers: Is the video actually making money for the business who rents it? Are there enough views on said video to make somebody call and do business with the owner/renter of the video? I don't see Helton, McKinney, or anyone else showing the proof of this. NOT saying it doesn't work, but l like to see results instead of words.

This is all about lead generation. Can 1 simple video provide enough business to justify ANY business paying YOU ANYTHING? I believe it's just one thing you can do COMBINED with other methods: Lead Gen website, a Google my business listing, ect.

Your youtube channel counts for results too. Not many people mention this. How long has your channel been active. How many related videos do you have. Is your channel considered an authority channel according to the BIG G? How many people watch your ENTIRE video? requires work and dedication to get results, and many are not instant results.

Good questions. If people could make a video today, get it ranked tonight and find a business to pay you $500 bucks tomorrow, you'd see nothing but videos on the Big G when you look for them. Helton and McKinney and many others are doing more to their videos than just making them. There are other Paid tools to use in order to get that video ranked and get that all secretive mystifying thumbnail.

Like Don said, give it a shot and just do it. You'll learn by doing.
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