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Old March 1, 2023, 01:42 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Dog whistles, fresh bait and knee jerk words that sell.

There are secret words.

Implant/embed them into a free hotsheet report, and it almost guarantees you will make a sell. IF...

Your hotsheet/report content matches the bait used in the first place.

There are some, in my opinion, SPURIOUS books out there about "power" words that sell. Most are just a list of words used in ads over the years, they have no real power: amazing, who else, they laughed, etc., etc.

Most of these books are by copywriters who have something to sell, and nothing wrong with that...except, just using certain words and phrases, without an understanding of why they might or could work, is useless.

We see it everyday, pick one of a dozen or so groups, or blogs for copywriters and see the thousands who now call themselves copywriters spin their wheels and make the rut deeper and deeper.

Anyhow, over the last 20 years, I have compiled a list...with words on one side, and knee jerk reaction on other.

If you want, I will give you for FREE, some of these to use with your specific audience to incorporate into your promotion and hotsheet/reports, just ask.

I do need to know the TARGET audience, OK?

Fire away.

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Old March 3, 2023, 01:09 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default What about for...

Hi Gordon,

I'm a little bit "jaded" on the copywriting stuff (too)...

While it is important, I do believe it is less important than the offer, and the whole structure of the deal (which can include payment plans, etc)...

Regarding "power" words... What about for the (legitimate) business opportunity market?

Best wishes!


Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
There are secret words.

Implant/embed them into a free hotsheet report, and it almost guarantees you will make a sell. IF...

Your hotsheet/report content matches the bait used in the first place.

There are some, in my opinion, SPURIOUS books out there about "power" words that sell. Most are just a list of words used in ads over the years, they have no real power: amazing, who else, they laughed, etc., etc.

Most of these books are by copywriters who have something to sell, and nothing wrong with that...except, just using certain words and phrases, without an understanding of why they might or could work, is useless.

We see it everyday, pick one of a dozen or so groups, or blogs for copywriters and see the thousands who now call themselves copywriters spin their wheels and make the rut deeper and deeper.

Anyhow, over the last 20 years, I have compiled a list...with words on one side, and knee jerk reaction on other.

If you want, I will give you for FREE, some of these to use with your specific audience to incorporate into your promotion and hotsheet/reports, just ask.

I do need to know the TARGET audience, OK?

Fire away.

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Old March 3, 2023, 10:42 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Jaded about copywriters? HOW DARE YOU SIR?!!??

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,
I'm a little bit "jaded" on the copywriting stuff (too)...
While it is important, I do believe it is less important than the offer, and the whole structure of the deal (which can include payment plans, etc)...
Regarding "power" words... What about for the (legitimate) business opportunity market?
Best wishes!

Words? Like suffer. Used by hypesters for medical issues. I have diabetes, I do NOT suffer from it. I suffer from acute misophonia.

A big mistake, and discovery, and I have DON ALM to thank for this one. Don may have been a little over the top with self praise, but, he did walk the walk too. Anyhow, my discovery.

Selling businesses MORE BUSINESS, more customers, more traffic, more profits.

Biggest mistake made was starting with something like, "Would you like to get more ________ ^^^^any of the above?

See any questions or beginnings which start with telling a business owner there is a way to get more^^^^^^ here is what happens...

The RAS goes on high alert, two burly Marines, snap to attention, and the first thing these guys think of is NOT how, NOT the interest in learning what you have to offer or what you can do or KNOW to help them...

NO, THE first thing is...HOW MUCH? What is the COST of this?

Most never understand this. Telling a prospect you are a salesperson, with these sort of words, is counter productive and often ends the sale before you even finish the pitch.

In Business Opportunity, the tried and tested, however their ineffectiveness...were/are: FREEDOM/Independence/Money/ and today...the over hyped, overused, over marketed LIFESTYLE.

When I see someone pitching LIFESTYLE, I run the other way.

Now there is inherently nothing wrong with these words, it is all about CONTEXT, and a lack of understanding the TARGET. A reason why old time Remote Direct Marketers could get rich on low % of responses was...

Sheer NUMBERS. If the universe was large enough, then a 3% was often good enough to start making moolah.

Legit business opportunity? HAS to match the offer to the Target, more important in this case than in most. This needs be a bulls eye, not just a hit somewhere on the target.

A Biz-Op for a 21 year old college student vs one for a 55 year old man. Or a stay at home mom vs. a single professional woman the same age??

MOM is a power word. What you want to be careful about is how you define that, it is better to let the reader fill in THEIR blanks on what it means. See, some moms don't want more time with the kid (yikes, how can that be??? am I crazy?)...maybe they want quality time...but also enough FREE time for themselves.

New parents are unaware of the time drain, they get better with the second kid cause they have the experience.

So saying a Biz-Op is going to give mom MORE TIME with her kid...may be the wrong message, wrong words to use here. If an artist or craft seller, more time to do their art would work better than more time with kid, SEE??

We have a lot of 50+ members here, fewer under 30, by far. But even then, one has to know more data, have the goods on their target.

A one size fits all LIFESTYLE business, which anyone can do, beginner to pro is going to be full of hype, BS, and copywriter nonsense.

The HEADLIGHT cleaning manual was targeted for older men, although we sold plenty to younger ones, it was presented as a part-time retirement business than any old fart could do. And Bud and I were the PROOF anyone could do it.

A short answer to your question, but I think you get the point. Consider the Agora type investment products, very targeted toward men with disposable income, the investor type. We know a lot about these folk, don't we? So, every BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY (legit) should have a promotion which matches the target's state of mind, and hit those 3 words and a phrase, needed to push them off the fence.

Hey, let's call this thread, THREE WORDS AND A PHRASE. The lazy copy writers way to fortune, foregoing the fame. Eh?


Last edited by GordonJ : March 3, 2023 at 11:17 AM.
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Old March 3, 2023, 11:55 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default 3 words and a phrase. Your secret sauce to more sales.

Quick. Easy. Time. Money.

These MAGIC words found in 7 STEPS TO FREEDOM II by Benjamin Suarez.

They are just as powerful 30 years later. But, they need context.

Along with: Money. Self-preservation. Romance (Sex/Stimulation). Recognition.

I, of course, use the PictoGrigm of Persuasion (POP)

with every promotion I write. It is a tool, and I haven't yet found one better, to use to find what those 3 magic words and a phrase are.

In old timey salesspeak, we would say (per Elmer Wheeler...use the right bait and sell the sizzle). We mostly interpret sizzle as EMOTION. Not the hunk of meat, but the reaction to it, what it EVOKES.

And that is the goal of most promotions, to evoke an emotional response, and most copy/copy/copy/copywriters, which is like making copies on an old Xerox machine, using the copy to make the as Caples/Schwartz/Halbert/ Copy1/Copy2/Copy3....

most of this latter crowd lack the depth to be able to think it through. They follow formulas, techniques, CHEAT SHEETS/CODES/HACKS, and the all encompassing swipe file.

Do that, stay in the weeds. Or use the POP, get to know your target and what they want/need and then use the 3 words and a phrase to get the reaction you want from the stimulus you use, and get into high cotton.

But just yelling words, like EASY, without context, is using a hammer to screw in a screw.


So, what 3 words and a phrase do you need?

Last edited by GordonJ : March 3, 2023 at 03:18 PM.
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