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Old September 23, 2006, 01:34 AM
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Default Find a couple 100 of these & You'll be laughing all the way to the Bank!

Turn $39.99USD into $100.00 & more... Multiplied By...
As Supply and Demand makes buyers and sellers a nice little investment account.

And Don't forget to Share your Shopping leads.

Latest Tickle Me Elmo may be laughing all the way to the bank

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Old September 23, 2006, 04:07 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: Find a couple 100 of these & You'll be laughing all the way to the Bank!

Originally Posted by Phil View Post
Turn $39.99USD into $100.00 & more... Multiplied By...
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Latest Tickle Me Elmo may be laughing all the way to the bank
Hi Phil,

Thanks for posting this. I was recently reading about this too!

It looks like the new Tickle-Me-Elmo craze could be like the "Beanie-Baby" craze or even like ... the old Tickle-Me-Elmo craze!

That means that... especially as it gets closer to Christmas time, parents who just need to get this for their young'uns for Christmas could be willing to pay above retail price in order to secure one in time. So if you can get 'em now... you could possibly sell 'em at a profit.

It's not something to build a "business" on (since it's really a "fad"), but it could make some relatively quick cash for a short time - if you can find places that have them in stock...

- Dien
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Old September 23, 2006, 10:49 AM
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Default Re: Find a couple 100 of these & You'll be laughing all the way to the Bank!

The book "Influence" on the power of persuasion by Robert Cialdini points out that Toy Makers will launch a big buzz campaign leading up to the holidays as a way to boost sales in January. They get kids asking their parents to get them the toy for Christmas. The parent promises the child only to find that for one reason or another there is a shortage of that toy. This year it’s the old… our technology just can’t keep with the technology that goes into the toy ploy. Expect shortages while we continue to market the hell out of it and get your kids to beg you for one and you stampede the stores fighting each other for a rare prized doll. Then sure enough… you are one of the unlucky ones who end up empty handed. So you try to make up for it by purchasing several toys in place of the one you promised but could not deliver on. Then in January and February when toy sales are slow the stores are flooded with the prize toy and your kids say… but you promised me you’d buy me one for Christmas. And because you promised your child the toy and you want to keep your word and teach your child to keep their promises – you feel guilty and fall right into the sales trap they laid for you. Think about it.

Hens Parties - A Very Profitable & Fun Way To Earn Money With A Camera!
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Old September 23, 2006, 11:00 PM
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Default Re: Find a couple 100 of these & You'll be laughing all the way to the Bank!

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Phil,

Thanks for posting this. I was recently reading about this too!

It looks like the new Tickle-Me-Elmo craze could be like the "Beanie-Baby" craze or even like ... the old Tickle-Me-Elmo craze!

That means that... especially as it gets closer to Christmas time, parents who just need to get this for their young'uns for Christmas could be willing to pay above retail price in order to secure one in time. So if you can get 'em now... you could possibly sell 'em at a profit.

It's not something to build a "business" on (since it's really a "fad"), but it could make some relatively quick cash for a short time - if you can find places that have them in stock...

- Dien

You're Right about the 'Craze' for The New "Tickle Me Elmo" Doll...
It's Starting Already and it ain't lookin' too pretty...
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Old September 23, 2006, 11:32 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Video of the new Tickle Me Elmo... and how much one person sold their one for

Here you can see what the craze is about... Someone posted a video of the actions of the new Tickle Me Elmo doll on YouTube! You can see it here...

(By the way, this video may not work well if you have a slow internet connection.)

(The dog in the background is pretty funny too! )

The guy who posted the video also says, "BTW, PM me if you are interested in buying one." I wonder if he's made many sales? Using YouTube as a means to make sales could be a clever idea.

However, if you have a Tickle Me Elmo doll, I'm sure you won't have any problems making a sale at the moment... Here's one that recently sold on eBay for $299 ! If he bought at retail ($39.97), that's a profit of about $260 ! (Before eBay fees.)

- Dien
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Old September 24, 2006, 02:46 AM
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Default Re: Video of the new Tickle Me Elmo... and how much one person sold their one for


Too Funny.

And like I posted, a Great product to Profit with and this one can Turn into a good little investment vehicle!

Now... while I was watching that video, 2 other ideas came to mind...

Would some who have no idea on the market value consider selling their purchase to a Broker/Finder?

I know they bought it for a child BUT sometimes Money Talks.

Next... As these Tickle Me Elmo's become way more Popular and Talked about more in the Media etc. But No product availability...

It's Time for Tickle Me Elmo...

Live Christmas shows where parents and kids go, such as daycare centres and other related High Traffic type places. Maybe $10 Bucks per family X 100 shows... Take Home Video extra!

Like you mentioned about the guy who posted the video, Add Tickle Me Elmo Video productions into the swing of things.

Some ideas may seem silly But consumers Love to buy the oddest Things.

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Old September 24, 2006, 09:54 PM
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Default Re: Find a couple 100 of these & You'll be laughing all the way to the Bank!

A couple 100? No way would anyone be able to pull that off (without hijacking the delivery trucks on the way to the toy store). These things were selling out in less than an hour when they went on sale back on Tuesday the 19th. Online they were gone almost immediately - (I know, I tried getting one.)

Originally Posted by Phil View Post
Turn $39.99USD into $100.00 & more... Multiplied By...
As Supply and Demand makes buyers and sellers a nice little investment account.

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Latest Tickle Me Elmo may be laughing all the way to the bank

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Old September 24, 2006, 10:46 PM
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Default Re: Find a couple 100 of these & You'll be laughing all the way to the Bank!

Hi Elmo...

Thanks for visiting.

If there's a will there's a way as they say...

A Broker/Finder and maybe a few other silly ideas Twisted into a Fresh Elmo concept just might be what the consumer will be looking for.

And I Bet you'll be seeing some of those ideas Happening real soon!

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