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Old May 9, 2009, 07:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Where are you on your journey to getting your Toll Position

How about sending them to magazines to be reviewed in their "what's new" or "new gadgets" or "best bets" sections?

-- TW
Old May 9, 2009, 09:12 PM
Bob Blagg
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Where are you on your journey to getting your Toll Position

Just to let everyone know, I am selling all my products on

I thought by doing this, if people buy them, then I can show the reps, as well as the retailers that people are willing to vote for my products with their money. Wish me luck.

Adman: I am sorry your items didn't make it to the big time. I have heard that the buyers for the chains can be brutal, but that is probably because everyone in the world wants their product in all the big stores.

That is why with my CORDGRIP, I wish there was someone who was already selling to wholesale distributors for the trades, such as heating and a/c, electrical, plumbing, etc and they would be willing to use their contacts to get me in the door.

I would be willing to give up most if not all of the profit for this product as long as I was the one the wholesale distributors and the reps who call on them got to know, so next time I had a product they would view me as someone they wanted to do business with.

I love your stories about meeting Ron Popeil and E. Joseph Cossman. I am actually very jealous.

The critiques that Mr. Cossman did for people who attended his seminars was great.

It goes to show that there were people who really made it and weren't afraid to give back to the little guy.

It is a shame they don't seem to be around any more.

I do realize that everyone had to pay to get in his seminar, but he could have been like most people who put on seminars. They do their speech from the front and then push you to buy their books in the back of the room, while they slip out the back door so they don't have to be bothered by us little people.

Did I tell you how jealous I am of your experience.

Bozo and TW:

Great ideas from both of you.

If you, our anyone else ever needs my help in any way just let me know.

If I ever make it, I promise that I will help others who are REALLY trying to get their foot in the door.

I hope someday all of you can hold me to that.

Last edited by Bob Blagg : May 9, 2009 at 09:17 PM.
Old May 9, 2009, 11:48 PM
L.B. Jenkins
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Where are you on your journey to getting your Toll Position


Looking at the Hand-LR you might need to approach marketing it at a different angle.

Your target audience is going to be regions where people do more walking than driving. For example: In New York City it's not uncommon for people to walk to the corner store. In Los Angeles people drive to the corner store.

In low income areas people walk to the store, laundry mat, etc... In higher income brackets people don't walk they drive.

If someone drove to the store, then all they have to do is push the cart out to their vehicle. If someone walked to the store, then they would have to carry the bags back home.

I also think changing the name will give it a better hook. When I first looked at it, the first thing that came to my mind is, "That's an easy way to tote bags". So why not relabel it to, "EZ-Tote" or "Tote-Easy"

Instead of grocery stores or Walmart I would approach hardware stores. It's a tool that makes toting easy. Men will see this as a quick way to grab up multiple bags to see how strong it is or try it on other applications to see how much weight it can lift. Women on the other hand don't really want to act like a strong man and carry a bundle of bags.

Also you need to specify weight load. Instead of "Holds multiple bags", it should state at your website, "Holds up to 10 lbs or up to 25 lbs or up to etc..." If this device can hold up to "X" amount of pounds, then the buyer can visualize that and will be more convinced that your product will make it easy to tote different items. That's the sizzle, carrying items is not.

The other area I would consider is exclusivity. Think Vera Bradley exclusivity. Instead of trying to get it in big stores, think smaller stores where this product would only be offered to prequalified locations with protected territories.

The final item to mention is that your product is in direct competition with Totasak. Same product, same looking website, but a huge price difference. You offer 2 @ $9.99. They state "Retails for about $1.00!"

In today's marketplace, people will look at your product and see if they can get the same product cheaper and as I did, will do a search on the Internet. In this instance I was able to find your competitor's product in less than 5 minutes using your product's name Hand-LR.

That is why I am suggesting using the exclusivity strategy rather than trying to get your product into the bigger stores at first. Build a ground swell if you can.

Last edited by L.B. Jenkins : May 10, 2009 at 12:15 AM.
Old May 10, 2009, 01:07 AM
Bob Blagg
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Where are you on your journey to getting your Toll Position


I understand about the name change and will look into it.

I am also addressing the other problems that you mentioned and will have them cleaned up by the 1st of the week.

Thank You!!!

Just imagine if I could achieve a Toll Position or two. Then someone could use me as a modern example of a success story and it would be a great testimonial for them.
Old May 10, 2009, 03:59 PM
Bob Blagg
Posts: n/a
Default E.Joseph Cossman's is going to helpme to get my Toll Position


Since reading your reply about meeting E. Joseph Cossman and Ron Popeil, I have decided to get Mr. Cossman's help in my journey to my Toll Position.

I know Mr. Cossman passed away a few years back, but I am still going to get his help by opening my Cossman briefcase and going through Mr. Cossman's course page by page and cassette by cassette as well as reread all of his books.

I know I will find things in his course and books, that I missed the last time I went through them.

Maybe this time I can find the one last little bit of insight that I need to become a success.

So again, Thank You!!! for telling me about your experience with E. Joseph Cossman.
Old May 10, 2009, 08:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: E.Joseph Cossman's is going to helpme to get my Toll Position


And those who aren't aware...

Keep in mind Joseph's son Howard and his grandson Chris continue to carry on the E. Joseph Cossman international marketing legacy...

Click on on Howard's contact email and you just Never know what could come out of it... To be honest in regards to your posts regarding sharing experiences and helping... Going directly to the source Surprisingly works sometimes even Better than posting through particular forums...

E. Joseph Cossman also left behind a Great resource with lots of shared E. Joseph Cossman knowledge... Less than a $20. investment for those that may be interested...
How I Made $1,000,000 in Mail Order-and You Can Too! (Paperback)

By the way Bob...

I've been meaning to suggest another Excellent HVAC and Plumbing resource to checkout... Not sure if you've already got it in your Swipe File...

It's a well respected Membership site within the HVAC, Plumbing and contractor industry...

Could make for some interesting Leads... Joint Ventures and other misc. Connections within the Network worth considering some Communications with...

Especially reviewing down this page...


Last edited by Phil : May 10, 2009 at 09:06 PM. Reason: additional info
Old May 10, 2009, 11:51 PM
Bob Blagg
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Where are you on your journey to getting your Toll Position


Thank You!!! for all the great information.

I have been in contact with Howard Cossman on numerous occasions and will be contacting him tomorrow, thanks to your reminder.

I have ever book, CD, and tape that E. Joseph Cossman had put out including the information currently available on Howard Cossman's website.

Howard Cossman recently told me that they are going to bring out DVDs of his father's complete seminar. I will own them when they are released because I have learned so much already and want to learn more.

Maybe one of the modern Toll Position winners will put out a book or course and I will buy that.

Over my 54 years of life I have purchased 100s of marketing and business books but never until rereading Harvey Brody's manuals that I bought in the 70s and then really getting into E. Joseph Cossman's material have I ever really put my efforts into one direction. I have always jumped from one great thing to another.

But no longer. I am only going to work on getting a Toll Position.

I have to take a new look at all my products as far as marketability and their pricing structure.

From there I am going to figure out if it is time to throw in the towel.

I know the Service Round Table very well. It is a great organization.

Again Phil! Thank You for the advice. I always appreciate peoples help.

Last edited by Bob Blagg : May 11, 2009 at 12:24 PM.
Old May 12, 2009, 05:04 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Cordgrip v The Competition


Thanks for asking and sharing.

There is no Rule that says you cannot sell via some form of Direct Marketing. There is no Rule that says you Have to sell via Retailers.

Now with Cordgrip you really only have two Main markets for this...

Market #1: The homeowner Who is fed up with winding up their cord then having it lay around somewhere. They are the one who want extra Ground Space and would like to hang it.

Market #2: The tradesman Who is Forced, by construction site policy (which is really governed by insurance companies who offer lower premiums for Policies which promote safety), to Hang the cord off of the ground. Some sites provide these for use by tradies, others do not. General tradies who are not Forced to hang their cord will just loop up the cord, knot it and keep using the tried & true method of cord management.

For the homeowner some kind of Catalogue could work - as has been mentioned. And $2-shops and hardware stores. Could even try door-to-door. Check out the Miracle Polishing Cloth request their free sample. It comes with Instruction on how to sell it. This is ideally what Reps want - proven sales techniques.

For the tradie, you could find a tradie mag and run an ad. But I'd approach a highrise construction site admin building and ask for a copy of their List if Contractors (contractors list). If they ask why tell them you're looking for a job - sites don't generally hire off the street anymore so you won't be offered work right there and then. This will give you a list of Companies that are forced, at least on one site, to use Safe Cord Techniques. A letter sent to those companies selling maybe 10/20 at a time for them to give to their tradies might yield results. As too would a letter sent to the construction company who is running that job.

Here's some I prepared earlier...

This is a picture of what is used on construction sites all around Brisbane. So abundant are they, a walk around a site will often find one or a few laying on the ground discarded and unused. And as can be seen from the pic, they can be hung on a door handle, over virtually anything and have a tear-drop shapped thing for hanging on a wall. These are obtainable from Safety Shops like RSEA

Michael Ross
Old May 12, 2009, 09:29 AM
Bob Blagg
Posts: n/a
Default Cordgrip v The Competition


Thank You!!! for the great ideas.

You are 100% right when you said the only two markets are homeowners and the trades.

I never thought of construction sites before.

I will look into that idea.

All the feedback from everyone gives me hope.

Thank You!!!
Old May 12, 2009, 05:14 PM
Posts: n/a
Default A Free Tool you can use

Whenever I've created a Product or a Business Program....I've "used" the "services" of my "Local News Media"....Newspaper, Radio & TV.

These people are ALWAYS LOOKING for ways to "FILL THEIR SPACES"...either print, audio or video....why? they can SELL ADVERTISING!

Advertising dollars pays for ALL media....providing money to Execs, Shareholders, Employees and Stars of Shows.

The way I've "Used" them is....
Newspaper - Print a Story about my Product or Program
Radio - do an Interview of ME talking about my product or program
TV - do a live interview of ME Talking and Showing my Product or Program

Now...these Media Items in small local markets can then be used to get MORE "Free Publicity" in larger markets....and the MORE exposure you get, the MORE products or programs you can sell.

So...I will bet ya that a small, Local, TV Station has a program (I've even gotten MY products and programs ONTO the News Shows)....that will TAPE you talking about your product AND....they will GIVE YOU a Copy of the Tape which you can use to send to other TV Outlets.

All for FREE!

Don Alm
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