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"Pricing" question
Hello....I've been selling reports and Starter-Kits for years. One thing that really gets my goat is when I see MY stuff being sold with someone else's name on it.
Some of my own customers make copies of MY materials and resell them as theirs. Well...I've tried everything I could to try and stop "rip-offs" but, once something is can be copied and resold. I even used a program that placed a WaterMark on the pages so that the purchaser KNEW it was a Stolen item....didn't stop the "receivers of stolen goods from keeping it". So...I've discovered that not only are the "Copiers" crooked....the "Receivers" are also. So....after some testing, I found a way....NOT to stop the copying make money from it by appealing to their "Greed Glands". Inside each Report or Starter-Kit I put a Special Offer that is in line with the item purchased. In fact, this additional material is NEEDED by the purchaser to REALLY make money with the materials. get this additional material....they have to pay which time, if their order for the additional material does not jibe with the initial order, they are advised to "PAY for the initial order". So....with a recent test...over 35% now, have paid for the initial order (even though they already paid for it from the crook)....and....bought the add'l material. Thus....even though I lost sales to the crooks, I was able to pick up additional sales from the "receivers of stolen goods". In fact....I think this stopped some of the copiers from copying because IF they read the initial materials, they'd see there is an additional step to take to get full benefit. So....I think I have "information" that other "Info-Sellers" would like to have, to be able to finally "GET THE THIEVES TO HELP THEM MAKE MONEY!" Now....this is only a 25pg report with some examples....I'd like to get an idea of what to charge for this information. Give me your suggestions....even if you think it's not worth a dime, let me know. Thanks, Don Alm |
Re: "Pricing" question
So you sell a $$$ Making Report with which they cannot make money Unless they buy the Needed Additional Info from you. Even after they've already paid you $$$ for info in the 1st place. Sounds to me like you might be being a bit misleading in your Sales Spiel.
Also, with your so-called test... 35% have paid Again, even after paying a crook. 35% of what? 35% of those who paid a crook? How do you know how many have paid a crook? I don't believe your so-called 35% number. What happens when one of these people pass this so-called Needed Info to the crook - or the Crook buys it using an alias - and then includes That in the stuff you reckon they are onselling? Nah. Seems to me, if you're so concerned with people selling Your stuff the easiest way to stop them is to contact the host of the sales material & order processor - be it ebay, domain host, paypal, whatever. And if'n you're not concerned and think the Crooks will help you make more $$$, then you're condoning their actions and all your rhetoric about other people taking YOUR stuff is just hotair. So "no" Don. I don't think it's worth a dime. Michael Ross |
Re: "Pricing" question
You miss the point. I WANT "thieves" to copy and sell or share and "viral market" as many copies of my report as they want because....there is something in it that MAKES (FORCES) recipients of it to order the additional material.....FROM THE ORIGINATOR!!
DA |
Re: the "35%" question
I had a fellow "info-report seller" offer the report, at no charge, to part of his list of buyers. 108 requested the "Free" report and 36 paid for (ordered) the additional material from ME....not him.
DA |
Re: the "35%" question
Ok. So in the 1st post you said they had PAID a crook Then they Also paid you. NOW you say they didn't pay a crook at all, but got it for nix.
So either your 1st post was a LIE... or this explanation is a LIE. Either way you have blatantly LIED. And now busted for it, it casts Doubt on your entire message. What else are you LYING about? That you Want people to steal your stuff. YOU, the same Don Alm who flies off the handle if you even Think someone has stolen from you, without even Knowing if they have. Now, after all these years of false accusation and Rants and boards all over, you expect me to believe you Want your stuff stolen? I ain't buying it. Michael Ross Last edited by MichaelRoss : December 7, 2009 at 03:16 AM. |
Re: "Pricing" question
I'm sorry....I have given up on trying to explain what I'm doing. I have the answer I needed from another forum.
Peace be with you! Don Alm |
Re: "Pricing" question
Could you please point me to the forum that answered this question for you? Thank You! GGina |
Re: "Pricing" question
if it something you wrote you could take them to court. If it something some one else wrote you can not do anything.
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