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Old April 7, 2013, 06:08 PM
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Default Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program

Howdy folks! I ben roun these parts fer nigh on 22yars! Started out selling stuff "Belly-To-Belly" and discovered da Internet in 1996 when a customer gave me his PC on a tradeout fer an ad and I ben doing dis stuff ever since.

HOWEVER....this year I decided to do my stuff "remotely" and....even though Gordon and Dien and I have had our "moments" since the start of "SowPub" I would STILL like to toss out how I plan to spend the "rest of my "easing out the door days, till IT is over and I can't type any longer! it is. Take it for what it's worth and understand the following comes from someone who has an "Electrical Engineering Degree from Northwestern Univ in Evanston Ill" and started his own Burglar Alarm biz (Securitronics Corp) with $1,000 and lots of "Get-Up-An-Go"...NOT had another human being sign his paycheck since the late 70's and....someone who's helped 3 kids thru college and "Owe's NO ONE anything...but to LOVE them!"

Yup! House, Acreage, Vehicles and ALL the other "Stuff" my wife and I have accumulated (lots of Antiques) (Our Dining Room Table is 300 yrs old)...ALL Paid for.

So....what does one do when deciding, after starting over 50 different business projects? Well....I think I got it, in fact, I KNOW I got IT... because I've tested it out and ....It's a GO!

Here's what IT's about;
ALL businesses, professions and medical occupations CAN'T EXIST WITHOUT, "NEW.....Customers, Clients or Patients"! They NEED NEW..... Customers, Clients. exist and stay in operation!

So....since I know this, what can little ol ME do to bring these folks MORE...Customers, Clients, Patients?

Well....the Yellow Pages are no longer the FIRST place consumers go to find what they want! Yup! Probably over 90% of all consumers in this country "Let Their Fingers Do the Walking"....ON THEIR KEY BOARD, GOOGLING the "KeyWords" for the INFO they want....NOW!" an example; let's say you own a home in Las Vegas NV and you WANT or NEED to find a "Roofer"....NOW! You DON"T hunt for the printed YP! You go to your puter, sit down and bring up Google. Type in "LAS VEGAS ROOFER"! and.....the FIRST listing is a Full Color Thumbnail.

All the other listings on the page are just "Text" so....because the first listing "appeals" to CLICK on it and upcomes a Full Color VIDEO introducing you to the Benefits of dealing with THIS Co.

Well....the guy who is providing this "Video" is collecting $1,000 a Month for his "efforts"! ("Efforts"? Heck! The guy who set this up is receiving $997a month from a roofer who is getting 8 to 10 jobs a month @ a min of $5,000 each! $40,000 to $80,000 a month for a $1,000 Return? You kidding me!

Same with type "Tampa Windows" into Google and see what comes up! Hey! This guys Video is on Top! Another $1,000 a Month!

This guy (my mentor) has quite a few biz owners paying him $1,000 a Month! And.....guess how much "work" is involved to keep these payments coming in?

Yup! You guessed it....Zero, Nada, Zilch!

He could be off gambling at the casinos in Monte Carlo....and STILL have hundreds of thousands go into HIS bank accounts each and every month! AUTOMATICALLY!

WHY! Because HE is providing LEADS to those who are sending him a Grand every month! Leads that are turning into "roofing jobs, plumbing jobs, pest control jobs, New Patients for Dentists, Doctors, Clinics, Chriopractors etc.

He is letting "GOOGLE" the Promo Work for him!

Nice! frineds, until the day when "da Gummit" or someone shuts down BIG G mentor and I and others will be "cleaning up"....collecting CASH from the "Internet System".

So....have a great life! I'm getting ready to go Spring SteelHead Fishing while my "Syetem is automatically collecting cash from my "Accounts"!

Ain't this "Internet Thingee" Grand

Don Alm....easing on down
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Old April 7, 2013, 07:46 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default I think that's an amazing one to get into...

Originally Posted by midasman View Post
Well....the guy who is providing this "Video" is collecting $1,000 a Month for his "efforts"! ("Efforts"? Heck! The guy who set this up is receiving $997a month from a roofer who is getting 8 to 10 jobs a month @ a min of $5,000 each! $40,000 to $80,000 a month for a $1,000 Return? You kidding me!
Hey Don,

I've always liked your stuff, and this really sounds like a doozy...

It is the "age of video" - and making promotional videos for contractors sounds like a fantastic niche to get into!

I've been playing around with editing video a little bit myself (using iMovie on a Mac, and also a simple program called VideoPad on Windows, I'm playing around with the free version), and it's not hard to do once you get into it. (Haven't done much filming myself yet, though - I've mostly been re-editing videos you can find online, for fun...)

Thanks for another pretty amazing idea!

Best wishes,

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Old April 7, 2013, 11:11 PM
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Default Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program

Dien! This does NOT involve a "camera" or "anything special"! His name is Mark Helton. A couple of other guys who do the same thing are Aaron Kay and Nick Mancuso.

All you do is go to a "Free" Photo site....pull out 8 or 10 photos relating to the particular Niche. Open up Windows LIVE Movie Maker....insert photos in order....add in Text telling what the page is about....put in some background music and ...whala! thing I'm doing to GUARANTEE I get clients is to make the video "Generic" by using either Twilio or CallFire to give me a phone number. I then re-direct that phone # to my "Renter". If my "renter" stops renting, I just re-direct the phone to the New Renter.

However....if your Video (with it's Thumbnail is on the 1st page of G for the Keyword)....there is NO WAY any renter will stop renting because the "Thumbnail" for your listing KeyWord will "stand out" and attract MOST of the attention on the 1st page of G for that Keyword.

Type in "Tampa Windows" in G and ask yourself, " would YOU click on?"

Mark and the others are Bonafide an "old-time" sales guy I used to contact a him what I've done for others and what I CAN DO for him for X$.

However...with this one, I just put the Video up...get it ranked and then, contact prospects in that niche (Roofer in Toledo) (Dentist in Spokane) telling them..."If they'd like more business to "enter the Keyword and see what comes up".

When they see MY Video sitting there with it's Full Color Thumbnail WAITING to be Clicked....they QUICKLY GET IT! I tell 8 or 10 of those in the niche....first come, first gets the Number RE-directed to THEIR NUMBER!

The "Lead Generator" is ALREADY THERE! No need to "wonder" what it will look like or WHEN it will be installed! It is UP AND RUNNING! Whomever wants to "Jump on Board and Get the Leads" can do so!

Remnds me of my "Mail Order" days where I'd get prospects for one of my Biz-Ops to contact me and request my "Info-Pack". I'd send them my 4 Page Sales Letter and a Flyer and CD....and on the last page of the Sales Letter I mention that, if they'd like to order the Biz-Op they don't have to "wonder" when or IF what they ordered was coming....they ALREADY HAD IT! IT'S IN THE CD!

However the CD is "Locked" with a Special Code get the UN-Lock Code, they had to phone the Order Service, give their CC # and the clerk would give them the UN-Lock Code! some checking. It sure is a good feeling knowing you have X$ coming in like clock-work every month...without having to do any "work".

The "work" was done when the Video was initially set up and Ranked for it's KeyWord.

Take care,
Don Alm
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Old April 7, 2013, 11:19 PM
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Default Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program

ooppss....forgot to tell ya;

One of the best FREE Video programs that gives GREAT Transitions and "Movement" is..."Photo Story 3" from Microsoft.

The "fancy" programs (like Animoto) are good but, for this you don't need fancy-dancy.

Again...toss in 8 or 10 photos....use some transitions....background music to go along....upload to your YouTube Channel...get a Fiverr to provide some Reviews and BackLinks....go to "" and "Ping It" and you are ON the first page for local Keywords.

Don Alm
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Old April 8, 2013, 12:06 AM
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Default Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program

Hi Don, I'm wondering just how effective that video really is for the client. As you can see from this screenshot the video is only averaging a little over 1 click a day.... At least he's not being dishonest by artificially inflating the views via a $5 Fiverr gig. I guess some people will call the number without viewing the video and with a whisper message alerting the company that the call is coming from that number they would be inclined to keep paying as long as they are receiving a new lead daily. But any good street canvasser can produce far better results by going door to door setting appointments for a closer to do the free estimate setup and then the inevitable phone drop close.

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Old April 8, 2013, 12:32 AM
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Exclamation Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program

Hi Don,
LindaC here.

Thanks, for sharing with other Sowpubers.
Don't know much about your idea at present but always willing to learn.

Again, thanks for sharing.

My Best 2 U,

Last edited by LindaC : April 8, 2013 at 12:59 AM. Reason: correct spelling
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Old April 8, 2013, 12:16 PM
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Default Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program

Here' s has been my experience with Video Marketing:

Clients either just don't get or they want the listing for next to nothing.
I never come anywhere near the 1k a month fee per client and i have
listings in the top 50 Cities in the U.S. by population.

It is not that hard to rank a video on the first page( thou it is getting more so everyday) Google has just gotten a bit more seletive on what vids it will
allow on the first page. Basiclly if there is no video on the first page it is going to be an uphill battle, however still very doable to get to the first page.

I know Mark brought a lot of his stuff and am a member of his Facebook group(which is even less active then this forum) and quite frankly Mark has good stuff, it just has
not worked for me as it was orginially pitched.

What is working is giving the lead to the company and taking a piece of the
action. Anywere from 10-20%.
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Old April 8, 2013, 12:52 PM
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Default Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program

Hi Cash4notes,
LindaC here.

Could you please add a little more to your post concerning taking a piece of the action?
¡What are we talking in terms of dollars and cents?

My Best 2 U,
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Old April 9, 2013, 12:04 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Thanks for the further explanation... It's brilliant!

Hi Don,

Thanks for the further explanation. I have no doubt that this will help some people gain greater "independence" over their lives if they apply the idea...!

Originally Posted by midasman View Post thing I'm doing to GUARANTEE I get clients is to make the video "Generic" by using either Twilio or CallFire to give me a phone number. I then re-direct that phone # to my "Renter". If my "renter" stops renting, I just re-direct the phone to the New Renter.

However....if your Video (with it's Thumbnail is on the 1st page of G for the Keyword)....there is NO WAY any renter will stop renting because the "Thumbnail" for your listing KeyWord will "stand out" and attract MOST of the attention on the 1st page of G for that Keyword.
I get it. That's really clever! I think it's a pretty "fool-proof" way to get clients, as long as you have a high search engine ranking with your video!

Thanks again, Don, for sharing this. In my opinion, the way you've set it up (with the redirected phone number) is really quite brilliant!

Best wishes,

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Old April 9, 2013, 12:12 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: Hey Sows! Here's MY "Retirement" program

Originally Posted by SteveSki View Post
Hi Don, I'm wondering just how effective that video really is for the client. As you can see from this screenshot the video is only averaging a little over 1 click a day....
Hi Steve,

I noticed that (for "Tampa windows") the phone number is right on the "G" search engine listing (it's actually there twice - in the "headline" and also in the "body"), so people don't even need to click on the link or watch the video in order to call the phone number...

Best wishes,


Last edited by Dien Rice : April 9, 2013 at 09:09 AM.
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