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Old January 22, 2017, 12:12 PM
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Default Read EVERY Self-Help Book on Earth in 30 Seconds

The title of this thread is the title of an article I've plucked from Laissez Faire Today. LFT is an Agora Financial publication. You may have read about AF on these pages.

I am NOT associated with them and I subscribe to LFT because it is free. If I had to pay I wouldn't. Personal reasons so I'll leave it there.

The Managing editor is Chris Campbell who, to me, is an interesting person and gives credit where credit is due. He looks for stuff that'll help all of us and writes about it. Because I thought his above titled article was damned good and actually covered the self help universe, I extracted the 7 lessons he extracted from the HighExistence blog (never heard of it till I read the article).

Here is my extraction:

Read EVERY Self-Help Book on Earth in 30 Seconds

For your self-enhancing pleasure, courtesy of TheUnknown at the HighExistence blog, we present to you seven universal life lessons within nearly every self-help book on Earth.

1.] Control your mind. Control your Life.
2.] Focus your thoughts. Control your actions. Think. Do. Pursue.
3.] Practice every day. Reprogram your mind.
4.] Successful daily habits. Have a system. Define what you want. Plan.
5.] Take time. Don’t give up.
6.] Blame nothing. No excuses.
7.] Don’t be an *******. Be kind.

There you have it.

You’ve pretty much read 99% of all self-help books on Earth.

end of extraction...

As he says, there you have it. What do you think?

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Old January 24, 2017, 02:10 PM
Glenn Glenn is online now
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Default Joe Sugarman Told Me That *Focus* & *Control* Are Important

Thanks Tom,

Great Work.

Years ago I called Joe in his home in Hawaii to buy some Batman Credit
Cards. But he needed them for a project.


During our chat Joe Said, "What I did in JS&A is no longer possible. The world
and the culture or economy are changing too fast."

And he told me about a Big Seminar he had put on
that made a lot of munny.

He tried the Same Thing a Month Later and it was a FIASCO.

Joe believes he waited TOO LONG. (YIKES - 30 days is too Long?)

And he made the mistake of trying
to use the SAME offer and the Same Marketing and Benefits and Venue.


That the people and the culture had SHIFTED
Under his feet - and that offer No longer was appealing!


Joe would Agree with the 1st two items on your list TOM.

You Gotta FOCUS your mind
and adapt what you do to what is happening TODAY.

And - For Sure - You Gotta CONTROL - not only your thoughts.
But CONTROL whatever deal or project you work on.

Glenn Osborn
Rentamentor Group
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Old January 24, 2017, 03:09 PM
Glenn Glenn is online now
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Default Control The Moolah - A Story from my New *Flirt & Grow Richer* Book

Thanks Tom,

"How James Uses LOTTO TICKET Flirting to Create Leads
For His Home Based Business."

While helping a Coaching Client Close Sales for a Real Estate
Business Opportunity - we got Referred to James.

James works construction - ALL NIGHT.

Hates it.

But has a tiny side business - Drywall Repair.

But he only had 7 home owner clients.

***We Gave James a POP QUIZ.

"Please go out and Flirt with a Waitress or cashier and say, Thank you for
helping me today. SMILE. And give her an Instant Scratch Off LOTTO Ticket."

"Then email me about what happens."

James Passed The QUIZ!

He reported that After he gave LOTTO Tickets to the cashier at the
convenience store where he gets gas every day...

The lady Cashier start SMILING and Laughing. And even gave him a F-r-e-e Donut.

James then told me he DISLIKED working for others.

Wants a Stream of Income.

Wanted to work from home.

So We Put Our Heads Together and
Created a Referral System based on Flirting and Lotto Tickets.

Let's Call it -

"James' LOTTO Ticket
Referral System"

Here are the 3 parts of the "Lotto Flirt Bunny Making Referral System" we
helped James Create and Flirt Test.

PART I - Every Day James Gets a Handful of 1.00 Instant Scratch Off LOTTO
Tickets. And Thank Rewards his waitress, Gas Station Attendant, BarMaid, Cashier or Fast food Drive Thru Person.

PART II - James Showed Each Person What he Does. Before and After
holes in the walls of homes. Photos of his finished Repair work.

(EDITORS NOTE - Within 48 hrs - the "donut lady" had referred him
3 prospects. 1 didn't order. Job #2 he fixed a hole left by a plumber. Job #3 - He repair a hole where 2 boys rammed their heads thru the wall. These 2 jobs grossed a bit over 800 bucks.)

PART III - So Next We Got James to Create an 8 by 10 Page. So he can
GIVE A Flyer Away to all the women he LOTTO TIPS.

Side A - Before and After Wall Repair photos

Side B - Headline - "Proof I'm Not a Crook" - and a list of his past home owner
clients and their phone #'s - so prospects could call and check.


Wherever James went he Flirt Tips Waitresses and Barmaids and Cashiers
who SEE, Talk to and Can Find Home owners with HOLES in their Walls.

Worked Good until James Hurt his ankle.

Lost his construction job - until he heals up. Can walk without a cane.

And was Forced to Sell each Sheet Rock Repair job to his
Uncle or Do-It-Yourselfer.


JAMES reported that one of the guys he s*old a 1700.00 Repair job to
for 200.00 - Mucked it up. And James had to go redo all the work.

We asked a few questions:

A - The Positive side of your injury is you are Forced to work on your
Home Business. And Get Others to do the work, right?

(James admitted that was true.)

B - Why didn't you send the guy back to Fix his Patch Job?

(James said the Guy who paid him 200.00 already had the 1700.00 and
wouldn't come back and fix his shoddy work.)

C - We asked, "What if YOU CONTROL the 1700.00 bucks? Just Suppose
You Tell the home owner to PAY YOU and You will make sure the work gets
done? What do you think of that idea?

THE LATEST News From James...

I - He is sending Lotto ticket Thank you notes to the 2 people
he met in Church - who are referring him Repair job - after repair job.

II - James now CONTROLS the moolah for each project.

III - And in a very short time the size of his Home Repair projects has

James tells me he has gotten referred to some folks who host PARTIES. And
each party creates HOLES in the walls of their houses.

So he is getting Repeat work from more affluent Home Owners
who seem to be hosting Pretty Wild Parties. If holes get knocked in the walls
that party is Wilder than Any I've attended.

Perhaps CONTROL is the Secret to James Success.

a - He Controls the LOTTO tip leads and referrals.

b - He Controls the munny.

c - He Controls and takes Responsibility for all the work done by people
He hires. Thus he Also Controls The COMMUNICATION with home owners.

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Old January 24, 2017, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: Read EVERY Self-Help Book on Earth in 30 Seconds


Thanks for your posts. Good stuff to say the least. Control the dough is always a GREAT way of doing business even if you aren't a general contractor. When I did seminars in the 90's people paid me and I paid the seminar host. This was the person that did all the advertising and attendee hustling. May sound strange but that was how it worked.

Today it would probably be the other way around. The host would probably pay me and worry about the gate. Regardless control the dough and you can fly low or high depending on what you're telling the IRS .

The only one responsible for you ain't the government or some social justice warrior. It is YOU so why not learn the tricks of the trade and apply them, right?
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Old January 25, 2017, 12:31 AM
Glenn Glenn is online now
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Default *Flirt & Get Richer* Combines Ideas from 5 Mentors

Thanks Tom,

#1 - The Flirt Tip idea comes from my friend Bryan Redfield, author of "Bartenders Guide on how to Pick up Women".

Who taught me how to 1.00 Bill tip to get great service.

Mastermind testing proved Lotto tickets to be easier
For men and women to give Away than Cash.

#2 - Napoleon Hills interviews with the worlds richest men showed
They all went the Extra mile AND practiced tbe Golden Rule.

With Money.



#3 - Bill Myers Taught us to create information products based on what we DO
As a hobby.

Thus we were able to chunk the Golden Rule Concept down and apply it to help clients make money.

Especially after interviewing a #1 car salesman and a dr to dr foreclosed
Home buyer/investor who used Lotto tickets to break the ice with strangers.

#4- Then we observed 426 million mentor Walter Hailey using the idea.

And then a 27 million Chiropractor.

#5- Plus Gary Halbert - who famously mailed many tens of thousands of 1.00 Bill

Eventually We started to combine Flirting and Selling regularly.



Waitresses and waiters are under paid And bored.


Weirdly enough.

Flirting to create enough trust to get a date.


Flirting to create enough trust to give away Money. Or make a sale. All start out exactly the same.

Without Trust and Rapport we are convincex nothing Positive happens btwn people.


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Old January 25, 2017, 01:56 AM
Glenn Glenn is online now
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Default Susan Gives Away $1 LOTTO Ticket & Gets a HUG and $10 Back

Thanks Tom,

#1 on Your List was "Control of your mind. Control of your life."

Below is Proof you can Get More Control over your life. Yet Be Out-of-Control
at the same time.

Susan Got CONTROL of her Tail-Gater. But had NO CLUE she was gonna get Hugged by a total Stranger - later!

Lotto Ticket Flirt Tipping for Profit is Totally UN-Predictable
without Directions.

Which is THE REASON WHY I'm writing books about it. Funny Flirt Stories.
And with Step by Step Directions on what to say and what to do.

A General
FLIRT TIP Directions Suggestion:

Always give a "Reason Why" you are Giving Away Money.

Susan came up with a Clever "Reason Why."

Susan gave us her Permission to Share
her Innovative LOTTO Tipping Story.

Ok, I wasn't going to tell anyone this but my neighbor was with me...sooo, no secret.

Where I live tail-gaiting in traffic is a career choice, must be because so many people do it.

Anyway, usually I bitch and moan and sometimes mouth words that would make a drunken sailor blush, but not this time.

Instead, stopped at a stop light with Mr. "Mine is Bigger Than Yours" pickup
(you know the type - big rig tires on a Honda) right on my bumper.

Told my neighbor "watch this", and grabbed my lotto ticket from the center
console and got out the car. Of course my neighbor has dinner plates for eyes,
mouth gaping like a landed fish.

I walked back to Mr. MIBTY, climbed on the running pipe on his truck, tapped on
the window and said "Hey! Thanks for reminding me that I hadn't paid my tithes
this month. Here you go!" and gave him the lotto ticket. The went back to my
car and drove off just as the light changed.

Looked in my rearview mirror and he was still at the light, cars honking behind
him. When I pulled off at my exit, he was behind me (safe distance, not on my
bumper) and waving with a stupid grin on his face.

Maybe, just maybe, he got the message so the next driver will not be subject to


came in Email #2 -

First, here's the update to Mr. MIBTY. I went to Starbuck's and guess who stood in front of me?


When he saw me, he rushed over and hugged me like I was long lost relative
and began talking about "safe driving, and he was on his way to pick up his wife
and newborn, blah, blah blah".

Anyway, he gave me a $10 scratch ticket, paid for my coffee and hugged me when he left.

Say what??!

Jeez, I hope not to run into him again, it will be hours of baby pictures

Second, Susan sounds like a good name.

Thank You Susan,

P.S. - I ask everyone who sends me a LOTTO Tip story what new name
they want to be called. Cuz I change everybody's name and location. Plus
get their Written PERMISSION to Share their Testimonial.
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Old January 25, 2017, 03:35 PM
Glenn Glenn is online now
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Default How I Saved 50.00 Flirt Tipping w/Paper Roses

Thanks Tom,

Your List talks about "Practicing every day" and "Habits."

After Interviewing a few 100 self made millionaire entrepreneurs
and helping many of them Make More Money.

I discovered Most of them were Giving money away
in various ways.

Often Big WADS of moolah.

At that time I didn't have Big Piles of money to give away. But I could afford
to give away Money in the form of Instant Lotto tickets.

1.00 bills.

Paper Roses
which cost about 50 cents each.

And cashiers and clerks and waiters and Waitresses
DO NOT Get Thanked, Rewarded and Tipped very often.

ESPECIALLY the Way we do it. At the Start and all thru the meal.

So it's a WIN - WIN.

Lastly I seem to have a Personality QUIRK.

I get Bored Easily.

FLIRT TIPPING is the answer to Boredom. BECAUSE you never know what
is going to happen. Except it's gonna Be GOOD. And It will be POSITIVE.

For Example:

Here's what happened when we Walked into
a Vitamin Store with my Dad a few years ago.

***How I Saved 50.00
w/One Paper Rose

Vitamin World mails me 25% off
Discount coupons. But I forgot
to bring it.

I Smiled/Thanked/Rewarded the
sales lady for helping me find
a bag full of vitamins my Father was
out of.

And she fished a copy of the
25% off offer out of her drawer
and took 25% off my 230.00
Vitamin order.

Since each Red Paper Rose
costs about 50 cents each
I got 100Times my cost back!

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Old January 25, 2017, 03:52 PM
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Default LOTTO Ticket Flirt Gossip Leads to Ph # and a Date

Thanks Tom,

Because we are in the HABIT of Giving Away Instant Scratch Off LOTTO Tickets.

And write Ezine Case Studies and Funny stories about it.

Plus share Client Results with Flirt Tipping in our Daily Ezine.

Ezine readers Email Me THEIR Results.

And Almost Always Give Me Their Permission to SHARE their
LOTTO ticket Flirt story with others. As Greg did - below.

How a Young Realtor
LOTTO Flirt Tips
To Get Ph#'s and Dates
With Pretty Women

Greg told me this story yesterday.

Beautiful Latino Gas Station Clerk.

Lotto ticket #1 - And Greg says, "What will you do when you WIN?"

Day Two - LOTTO Ticket and he asks, "What are you going to BUY First If You WIN?

Day Three - LOTTO Ticket and says, "Where are you going to spend all your WINNINGS?

Greg says Eve tells him she has a son.

She is 26 yrs Old.


Bad Boyfriend she just dumped - He wanted her to dance at a Strip Club.

Greg Finds out Eve Likes to Rock Climb.


Soon Eve is touching Greg on the arm.

Shortly after the arm touches.

Eve gives him her phone #.

It took Greg Five Visits and 5 LOTTO Tickets to Create Deep Enough
trust btwn himself and Eve so she felt comfy enough to share her home
phone # and ASK him to call her.

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Old January 25, 2017, 04:03 PM
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Default How To FLIRT TIP So You NEVER Wait In Line - Case Study

Thanks Tom,

Mostly when you start practicing Flirt Tipping - you can't expect to
made quick moolah.

You simply Flirt Tip for fun.

And perhaps to Improve the level of service. And often a side effect of better
Service is speedier service.

For Example:

Donald is always in a hurry.

So what HE Uses Flirt Tipping for is NOT Money.

He FLIRT TIPS to Save time.

As he did in this Success Story he told me by phone.


The Promise of Getting
A Paper Rose Saves Me
1/2 an Hour Waiting in Line

I rolled up at 4pm at one of the
new SuperFood Stores.

The one I was at had 25 checkout lines
all lined up with 10 or 15 shopper carts

I found a line with ONE Cart.
But the woman in front of me
unloading her groceries said,
“This clerk is quitting after me.”

And she was Right. The light was off.
And the sign that said “Closed”
was up.

But I decided to Test The Power of the Flower!

And slowly fashioned a beautiful RED ROSE
right in front of Helga – the check-out lady.

I held it up high and Smiled a bunch of times
While I was puffing out the petals. And Waved
the flower a bit as I created the green leaf at the


Sure enough Helga didn’t Shoo me away.
But she did chase off people who tried to line
up Behind Me.

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Old January 25, 2017, 04:10 PM
Glenn Glenn is online now
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Default Cashier Pulls Out Her Own Discount Card To Help Gary

Thanks Tom,

Empathy is vital in Communications.

One Guess Why Cashiers and Clerks and Waitresses WANT to help you
when you Smile, Say THANK YOU and REWARD them with a LOTTO Ticket.

Times up.

Everybody ELSE but you Complains, Bitches, Moans and Whinges!

That makes You SPECIAL.

Another Retail Store Example:


Lotto Ticket
Saves me 5.00
At Grocery Store

I visited a new grocery store
today. Tuesday at 3pm.
and it was empty except
for me.

Anyway – I showed up at
the front of the store and
got my bread and pizza
and blueberry yogurt rung

The cashier asked me if I
was a member of their
Discount Club.

Luckily I’d already handed
Her a 1.00 LOTTO ticket
for helping me.

So she pulled out her own
card and knocked 5.60 off
my bill.

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